We Make The Adjustments

By Ken Fletcher

“He instructs me in who I am. He shows me what I can do. There is no limitations in Him. In knowing Him I know myself. I can grasp the enormity of who is in me. Our relationship together is a one-ness relationship. What then can’t I do? If I know He is in me? I know that I can do anything He says I can do! So, impossible is now possible.

Because of my faith in Him. I have seen Him transform my body of pain into wellness and health. A miracle! But, in reality, I see Him do miracles everyday. Why? Because I have found out that we are one! Jesus and me. I am expecting more things to come. More miracles. In all kinds of ways. I’m changing. Growing. Learning.

But, I know that, in this journey, I’m going to see Him do a lot of things. Listen, we are the ones who limit Jesus, my friend. US! We are the ones who must make the adjustments inside! US! In order to get ourselves into the place of understanding this one-ness with Jesus!

Are you beginning to get there in your understanding? I hope so. Because, many of the struggles of our lives are because we have not understood who we are with Jesus now. When one comes into a place of understanding just how amazing this new creation is that they are because of Jesus inside–when they come into understanding and growth into that, many other things drop off them that was a struggle before. Because of the faith in Jesus and seeing and understanding inside who they really are now with Him! Life becomes different than before. Walking in the spirit with Jesus. Living in the spirit with Jesus.

It’s the place of reality for us! It’s who we really are! No struggle to get there. We’re already there! We’re created this way! To live with Him this way. To be one with Him and the Father this way! It’s ours now! It’s all instant. Now! But, do you perceive it? Do you understand yourself this way? Do you perceive yourself with Him this way?

Well, when you do, you’ll find out that knowing who you are with Jesus is the place of power in your life. Power over stuff that used to have power over you! You and Jesus are to run the show in your life! The two of you together! But, do you realize that like you should? Well, I’m praying for you, reader. Who ever you are that this all applies to. I hope it helps. It really is a growth journey. Isn’t it! Blessings to you as you journey along with Jesus!” KF KenFletcher.org

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