We Can

By Ken Fletcher

“Doubt and unbelief is nasty stuff. In you. In me. It locks us out of what God has provided for us! What He has already given to us! But, because of unbelief, we can’t receive it.

So, it’s there. Waiting. All paid for. And, we can’t get it! Well, it’s not God’s fault! It’s ours! He has done it already! Whether it is healing or other impossible things we face, we can believe and receive from God!

But, we’ve got to get the unbelief out! It’s poison! So, it’s up to us to fill up with God’s Word and run the unbelief out! We can! We should!

If we will commit to only focusing on God’s Word, we can run the doubt out! To the point of being able to receive from Him. All that He has done! We can have it! We can believe! We can receive! And, possess our possessions that God has given us!

So, don’t let the doubt lock you out anymore! Fill up with the truth so you can believe and receive!” KF KenFletcher.org

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