View Yourself Right

By Ken Fletcher

“Again, the Lord reminds me NOT to see myself through another person’s eyes. But to see myself right. As He sees me. As I really am. In Him and One with God. 

Can anyone else on earth see that in us? Who we really are with Jesus inside? Nope! The intimate things are between He and us individually. He knows. So, we receive the truth of who we are from Him. We receive our purpose and direction from Him. Why? Because He knows us through and through. Our very personal thoughts–all of them! 

How can another person know all of that? They can’t. So, they are going to view you from their own very limited perspective. Not knowing all the real about you like Jesus does. Yet, it seems we are prone to think about what THEY think about us–How they are viewing us. 

We think about how they must be seeing us. When, that thought we have inside is not really true about what they are really thinking about you. They may even say something to you that makes you think they are thinking a certain way about you, and what they said to you is not really what they think. People can be so deceptive! 

Yet, we are trying to figure out what those other people think about us. How silly! But, that’s what we do sometimes. I have! When you step back and look at it all, you wonder why are we doing that? It really is messed up to think like that! 

Jesus wants you to view yourself properly with Him. Your identity is now in Him.–the two of you together. The blend of being in Christ. A unique blend. A fusion! Like no other in the universe. That is who you are! How do you know what you are really like? Look at Jesus! You are created IN Christ Jesus. He is in you and  you are in Him. All He is, He is in you! 

Amazing! This union we have now with The Holy Spirit, Jesus and the Father. If we’re thinking what another is thinking about us, we will be thinking lower of ourselves than we should. We should always remember to see ourselves as Jesus sees and knows about us. Then, we can perceive the real about us. Then, we can function as He wants us to in this life. Don’t look at yourself through another person’s eyes EXCEPT Jesus’ eyes! How is He seeing you, my friend?” KF  

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