Understanding Reality

By Ken Fletcher

“There is some misunderstanding about the function of our brain. Many people give the brain too much credit for things.

Our brain in our skull is an amazing thing. For sure! But, some people think, since our brain puts us into contact with this physical natural realm, that IT is them, the person, inside the body.

Yes, it does put US in contact with this realm. US, the soul. The eternal part of our being. It is in our soul that much is determined in our connection to this natural realm. Since people are so blind to their own spirit, they wrongly place some of what happens on the brain.

It is quite literally natural and material. It is OUR interface into this temporary natural fallen realm. It is also fallen, and death doomed, as is the rest of our natural body. So, it is not what it was designed by God to be in this state.

Even so, it is still remarkable! Listen, WE the soul, ARE the person! Our brain simply receives commands from our soul and transfers it into the natural fallen realm. WE, the soul, are eternal. The brain is not.

When the brain is damaged in some way, let’s say a stroke, what happens is part of what WE, the soul, are not able to interface with the material realm. WE, as believers, are created perfect in Christ. But, there is the fact that WE are interfacing with a fallen brain and body into a fallen realm.

Our understanding has been darkened to perceive the real of our situation. It is through faith in what Jesus says that helps us in those areas we cannot see and understand–those areas we cannot perceive living in this fallen state.

Your brain is like a computer interface is to a computer. As a musician, I cannot plug an analog signal from my bass guitar into a computer. They do not understand each other’s signals. They are not compatible with each other. They are two different kinds of signals. BUT, with an interface, that changes the analog signal from the instrument to a digital signal, the computer can understand the original analog signal. They can now understand each other BECAUSE of the interface.

It is not unlike what our brain does. It has automatic programming built in that runs the systems of our body without us thinking about it. What it can do is amazing! But, if we want to live in reality, we must not wrongly understand it’s function and what WE do inside.

Faith is not of the brain. It cannot operate in faith. Faith is of the heart, or the soul. The deepest part of us. The real truth is, we do our thinking in our soul. Not our brain. The brain receives commands from the eternal soul that is thinking and deciding. Even calculations are made in the soul. The brain transfers the signal and WE seamlessly are connected and make choices and decisions and direction and vision and purpose, and on and on it goes. But, those parts are not the brain.

It is only our interface to this realm! We operate here through the brain. So, it is an important organ to say the least. Our perception of this present earth experience is because we can interface through our brain.

Now, I hope this helps some people understand reality. The spirit realm is the primary realm. But, this realm seems like IT is the primary realm, does it not? People are NOT aware of the spirit realm and what is REALLY going on around them all the time.

The fallen interface, the brain, is not designed to perceive the spirit realm. Only the material realm. But, it IS designed to perceive OUR directions and commands. It IS designed to do what WE tell it to do! WE, the soul, which is eternal spirit.

I believe the key to victory in our lives is understanding WHO we are! Our fallen understanding has locked us out of the reality of what Jesus has done in us! We go to the Word and find out how magnificent He has re-created us inside–making us like Himself–placing us in the same right-standing with the Father that HE HAS!

If we can get hold of the enormity of what Jesus has done in us, we can begin to see and perceive reality of what is going on in us. How our soul is in interface with our brain, which means, WE the soul are in contact with this fallen material realm. We are so dependent on the Holy Spirit inside for light and direction, etc. Then, we can transfer the information to our interface, the brain, and carry out what the Lord is saying inside. And that is faith in His word.

That is the action out here. It is from the inside out. The inside, to the interface, to the body. Though the natural realm is fallen and also our bodies, we can carry out what the Lord is saying for us to do. Which in essence means our spirit is in control of the direction of our being, not our fallen flesh.

I hope I’m helping someone here. This is not easy to get out! And, I could be misunderstood. And, I may not be saying it right. But, I hope that it helps you today to get a glimpse of some reality here. For sure, I know that I am not seeing everything perfect too! But, I believe I am perceiving far better than I used to because of Jesus showing me some stuff. But, man, these things are difficult to describe–especially with my limited vocabulary.

People live like they will always be here. And, they won’t! There is nothing else that can happen to this fallen mess. This realm is passing away because of corruption and decay. Because of sin, death, and imperfection. It cannot last. But, the sprit realm is forever! We will not always live here, friends! Are we understanding reality?” KF KenFletcher.org

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