Understanding Comes

By Ken Fletcher

“The more spiritually aware you are the better. Being conscious of the leading of Jesus inside is more important than outward information coming to us from the fallen realm.

But, so many have things out of whack. Not even hearing Jesus at all inside. Dullness of perception. Too engrossed with the material realm. I’m talking about believers here. Are they in union with Jesus? Yes they are! Does He ever abide in them? Yep! Big time! But are they hearing His leading throughout the day? Many are not.

Well, I believe it is imperative to hear Jesus clearly inside in order to stay in His perfect will in our lives. Otherwise, we will naturally follow the outside information. Because, that is what we are most used to.

But, we can train ourselves to be listening to His voice inside. Approaching Him with things throughout the day and night. Finding His way for us. That is being spirit led. It means you are influenced by what Jesus is saying for you instead of just going about what seems to be the right thing to do.

I want His best. Don’t you? And, the way we can actually experience His best is by being led by Him in our daily life. The Know Thyself series is all about this. I am finding out that not many seem to walk this walk.

I am trying to get folks to see the benefits of living like this with Jesus. A thought to thought–His to mine and yours. Instantly. All the time He is there to abide with us and share everything with us. Showing us the best way for us to do things. The best time for us to act on His leadings. The protected ways. The anointed ways. His ways for us.

It’s understanding His leading inside that keeps us on track daily with His plan for us–which is far better than our plan for us. But, most people don’t really believe that about Him. So, they hold on to their concept of their life. Unknowingly, they give up so much with Him that they could have experienced. And, the loss of eternal benefit is also very real.

It’s just better in every way to hear from Jesus about things. I wish I could transfer the understanding of what I have come to know about Jesus to other people. Sometimes words seem so inadequate to convey to people what it means to live with Jesus in this manner.

I have tried to be transparent with our listeners on The Road Of Faith Seminar. This whole series of Know Thyself is to help people come into the perfect will of God and understand who they have been created to be. We have been focusing on the inner man. The real man. The eternal man (or woman, of course).

We are trying to get folks more aware of the spirit realm. And, who they really are with Jesus. Blended with Him. Fused with Him through the Holy Spirit. We have His Kingdom in us now! The more aware believers are of the reality of Christ in them the better. Then more reality can be perceived.

Those without Jesus are blind to His reality. The reality they are in touch with is a false one. With deception flowing in various degrees. The truth of the matter is, what most people perceive within themselves is built on faulty premises. So, if the foundation is flawed, then the rest that is built upon it is flawed also.

By His grace, I am trying to get people in touch with Jesus. I know that if they come to know Him, whatever they are dealing with can change. By His leading them, they can begin to understand the truth of where they are and WHO they are WITH Him! When you have Jesus, everything changes. Light comes. Understanding comes. Perception of reality comes. The way things really are.

So, believer, as much as you possibly can, keep your focus upon Jesus within you. Keep your spirit first. Then, from that perspective deal with the outside stuff. We believers are much more than we perceive. We can do more than we realize. Because we have Jesus. The possibilities are endless with Him.

I hope I have given you some food for thought today. As always, praying for you and wishing you God’s best!” KF KenFletcher.org

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