Totally Convinced

By Ken Fletcher

“What’s more powerful than sickness and disease? Faith in what Jesus has done about it. Knowing the truth and enforcing it in our body. Who can do that for you or me except you or me.

He has already done it. His part is complete. The payment has been made in full. His will is set. It’s our will about the matter that remains to be seen. What are we going to do with what Jesus has done? That is the question!

Well, it’s our faith that’s the problem. We have got to get the poison of unbelief out of our being! We must focus on what’s really important. And, that IS the answer! And, the answer is faith in what Jesus has done! Totally convinced. Totally full of believing. That is the destination.

Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. When we arrive at the truth of things, He’s already there! Our faith is our connection to God’s grace provisions that are already completed! It’s the doubt that keeps us out.

Well, let’s get full of believing. Full of the truth. Run the doubt out! All of it! Nothing but the light of truth that remains. Then, we do what Jesus said. We apply His higher truth to the temporary natural situation in our body. We do Mark 11:23 & 24. Just like Jesus has shown and taught us to do. We enforce the truth and make it so in our body. Who else can do that in you or me execpt you or me?” KF

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