Timing Of Jesus

By Ken Fletcher July 11, 2023

“The timing of the Lord in our lives. Man, it’s such a big deal. One of the important things to get hold of in our lives is understanding God’s timing. It’s different than our perception of when things should happen in the natural realm. It’s gonna take faith. It’s gonna take patience. It’s gonna take resolve in our hearts to see His timing. We just keep being led by the Lord the best we are able–keeping our eyes upon Him. Where He wants to go. When He wants to go. If He even wants to go or not! With the the above important ingredients I believe you will see the perfect timing of the Lord in your life! His timing is like no other. The ways in which He works are mostly unseen. Through, sometimes, unlikely people and circumstances. It’s important to flow with the Lord. Don’t be in a hurry in whatever you do or wherever you go. Be decisive in following Jesus. Intentional. Resting in Him. Knowing He IS moving in the unseen realm. Angels are in motion for us. How we walk is what we believe. We want to see the timing of the Lord in our lives every day! It is truly amazing!” KF

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