Time Is Ticking

By Ken Fletcher

“In the actual realization of our union with Jesus, we are only scraping the surface. The unlimited things that we could get into and understand because of this union.

The things that are really possible with us and God together. Beyond comprehension. He goes far beyond what we can imagine in our minds. Yet, this is who we are joined with. Why do we limit Him so in our lives when there is so much we can believe Him for?

There is so much He wants us to understand and grow into. He really wants to show out in our lives. But, we have a part to play in it all. It’s not what Father or the Lord CAN do. It’s what can we believe Him for. That really is the question.

Well, I want to learn how to live by faith in more areas of my life. It seems to me that the more we can expand our scope of understanding with Jesus, the more things of His we can come into in this life. Our growth of understanding in Jesus means we will be able to touch other people effectively in our circle of influence. Helping them to know Him better.

This blend that we have with Jesus means that we can be led instantly anytime anywhere. To see His will come to pass is so exciting! And, we get to be a part of what He is doing right now on earth. It is all available to every person.

What is the desire of your heart? You want more of Jesus, or are you happy where you’re at? It is not a good thing to be happy where we are. We should be content where we are, yet not satisfied. We want to experience more of Jesus inside! More of His perfect will for us. Growing in the knowledge of Jesus.

Where is He taking us? From faith to faith. More and better. Higher and deeper. More love and more faith coming out of our heart. His desire for people flowing from within us out in this present realm.

Will we stay united in His will for us and others we touch? Let’s be mindful that the unbelievers do not know Him at all. Maybe they have heard about Him with religious false stuff added. So, they do not know what He is really like. Or, even why He came for us.

Our realization of our union with Jesus should mean to us that those lost ones are vitally important to Jesus and to us. Sometimes what seems really important really isn’t. And, we don’t spend enough time on what really is important in life.

The growth of our understanding should bring us to the place of reality with us and Jesus. Not only that, but to bring us into the reality of how valuable each lost person really is. To God and to us! Are we goofing off and not doing what is important in the Kingdom? Only you and Jesus know. Only Jesus and I know.

I’m trying to stir folks up to the reality that this life will soon be over. So much of our time has been wasted. How will we spend the rest of the time we have left? Will we make it count for eternity? Or blow it. Or partially blow it. It’s up to us each one. I’m encouraging you to take a look inward. Find out what you’re really all about. And why.

If you are realizing that you are not on track with the Lord’s will, you can make adjustments and get back in there! Time is ticking. Why not tonight? Why not turn it all over to the Lord from here on out? It’s the best thing you can do. Other things of less importance will come into line as we put Jesus at the top of our priority in life. I’m praying for you as you grow in understanding with the Lord. Remember, all things are possible with Him! Why don’t you let Him do some impossible stuff in you?” KF KenFletcher.org

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