Thoughts Of Fear

By Ken Fletcher

“Here I am writing about fear again. What’s the deal? It’s everywhere! That’s the deal. What do you think is really behind all of these insurance companies and the laws that govern them. Fear! Fear of loss. People do things all day from the standpoint of fear. Their thinking is what if this happens and what if that happens. Now, I’m NOT talking about being responsible living on earth. We need to be insured for lots of very good reasons. But, here, I’m talking about living with fear mindset thinking! What am I gonna do? How are we going to make it? What IF this happens or that happens? I mean, on and on it can go. Until you are in bondage in your mind to fear! I mean, you can’t even really enjoy the good things that the Lord has done and is doing because of those thoughts! Jesus does NOT want you to live like that! He wants you to live a life of faith not fear! A life of freedom and liberty! Truly free. Fear free! Can you REALLY live fear free? Yes. It’s possible to live with NO fear. It’s all about your thoughts. Your thoughts produce feelings inside. Through your will, AND the Lord helping and showing you how, you begin to recognize those fear thoughts and begin casting them out of you! Not allowing them to stay. Refusing to think in those ways anymore. It will take some time and diligence to get yourself out of those old mindsets that you’ve been in for so long. But, if you’ll stay after it, you CAN get it done. Man, does it change things–a lot of things! Talk about a difference. Talk about free. You see, the fear thoughts bring torment to us. It IS in different degrees of manifestation depending on what it is. The bottom line is, we don’t want ANY of it. Now, I’m not talking about respectful fear like being afraid to cross the street in front of a car. That is a totally different thing. You can tell the difference between by the torment it may or may not bring. We want to get rid of the torment thoughts that may come in. It is mind renewal in the Word AND mind renewal from the Lord inside! Learning HOW to think right–with NO fear! That’s what we’re shootin’ for! So, we’re constantly replacing the fear thoughts WITH faith thoughts. Purposefully! Every day! Doing this in your mind, consistently. Down the road, you’ll pinch yourself and say, is this really me thinking this way? It will feel so different inside. So open and free! Flowing through life with faith in Jesus. But, always looking out for the fear thoughts that might try and come in to our souls. To us, those fear thoughts are like poison in our mind. So, believer, start spitting out the poison!” KF

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