Think Of Yourself Right

By Ken Fletcher

“What if we live our lives just the way other people think we should? I’ll tell you what we will experience. Condemnation. We will self condemn based upon the way we perceive others think about us. How can one person before the Lord understand another person before the Lord? We’re unique! No other blend like we individually are with the Lord. So, how can one person see completely into the heart of another person? Well friends, let’s just not try. Let’s let God be God to them as with us. We live before the Master. He sees all. Every aspect of everything touching our lives. It’s with Him that the truth of us is found. Not within our own perceptions or feelings. But, His! How we must humbly ask Jesus for clarity of understanding. Are we seeing ourselves right. We cannot please other people. But, we can please Jesus and the Father by how we think. How we believe. That’s why your eye should be single. On Him! Not on others who do not know His full plan for you. Focus on Jesus and how He sees you!” KF

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