They Really Exist

By Ken Fletcher

“As a long haired hippie boy of 19, the day before I met Jesus, I became enlightened to the reality of demons. Realizing that it was they that had led me in the directions of destruction.–Away from the truth of the Bible.

I did not believe it before. The reality of devils running my life. I really believed I was doing my own thing! But, they, in the unseen realm were deceiving me the whole time! Taking me further and further in wrong paths. Influencing me. Manipulating me. Controlling me. But I was blind to it all. I thought I had it all together.

I thought I knew what I wanted in life. But, how could I actually know what I wanted when all the time I was influenced by demons that hated me. Trying to destroy me. That is what they were doing!

By the grace of God, while I was alone one night, the Holy Spirit revealed to me the reality of this in my life. I did not sleep well. I tossed and turned. There seemed to be a great battle or struggle going on over my bed. But, it was unseen. I did not understand then. But, I could feel it in the room.

The next day Jesus talked to me. I did not hear an audible voice, but it was so clear and distinct I heard Him loud and clear. He told me if I kept going the way I was going, I would be dead within 5 years of a main-line drug overdose. Right before, He had made His case about the fact that the devil was in control of my life. I could not argue with what He said. It was all true. I just did not know things were really that way in my life! I was blind to it all!

Jesus said that I was at a fork in the road in my life. I had to make a choice to continue on the way I was going or go His way. I realized that the devil is evil. And, hated me. I knew that much. But, after finding out that the devil was actually in control of my destiny, I did not want him to be in control anymore. I wanted someone who loves me to be in control.

Friend, don’t you know, just like the song. you’ve gotta serve somebody! It may be the devil or it may be the Lord. But, you’re gonna serve somebody! After all that Jesus had showed me inside, I decided to go with Him from then on. So, that day, I ran to Jesus in faith! Knowing He loved me and gave Himself for me.

Now, after 52 years with Jesus, I have never regretted hooking up with Him. I have failed Him many times. But, He has never failed me. A true friend who stays right with you no matter what!

Maybe you are like I was. Deceived of the reality of demons working in the unseen against you and your family. Leading you into things and directions you never intended to go. Maybe you look up and find yourself bound and depressed. Fear seems to run you!

You may have thought before that YOU are the one in control of your life. But, did you take into account about those demons in the unseen realm doing things to lead you? That’s the part that is usually out of the equation. Yet, it is happening all the time in the world.

You may not have control over what is happening in the world, but you can decide for yourself NOT to be under the demon’s control! You can be free of them and their agendas against you. The real truth, light and life is only found in Jesus! It is He that will set you free from the demons. He’s so much stronger and more powerful and He has totally defeated them all. His victory over them can be yours.

They are very real. Yet, people pretend they do not exist. Many people are so involved with what they want to do that they do not consider the unseen forces at work. The enemy works through the fallen flesh desires to influence the outcomes.

It is convenient for the demons to just sneak around and do stuff unhindered by most people. It’s because people are generally unaware of their existence and presence. Those who believe the Bible are the ones who know about the devil and the demons.

The Bible shines the light on their working in and through men and women. What their goals are. Why they are here. And other reality information. At one time, I did not know. But, I know now.

Where are you on it? Do you find yourself as I found myself? I was being duped! I was a patsy! Being used by the devil. Well, when I realized it, I changed sides! Only by the grace of God I saw the truth!

Friend, you can seek the truth of Jesus. You can awaken to the reality of the demons working in the unseen realm. Where are you with Jesus? His is really the only program that is going to be around when everything is said and done!

Why not receive Jesus for yourself tonight? From then on, the devil is in trouble when it comes to you. Because, it will no longer be just you. It will be you AND Jesus together! He’s ready right now! Are you ready for change tonight? Escape the devil’s deceptive kingdom into the light of the Kingdom of God! Receive Jesus!” KF

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