They Don’t Know

By Ken Fletcher

“It really is amazing! The natural realm is so convincing–so overwhelming. All through our perceptions. Even though we are primarily spirit. Really, much more spirit than we are flesh or material. Yet, people are really blind to their own spirits. Most all people. Even believers.

Many believers are totally living in the natural. Not doing much at all in the spirit realm. These believers are more religious–some trusting in creed or dogma. Tradition is so strong in some circles. Overshadowing the truth and power of God’s word.

It really is amazing how this blindness to the spirit realm is everywhere in people. They can’t see what is really going on! They can’t see the devil’s activities. Or his involvement in the lives of men and women. They can’t perceive him. Most unbelievers can’t even perceive who they are! They don’t even know that they are spirit.

Yet, somehow, inside they know that they are eternal. Even those who say they believe they are not spirit and at death all consciousness goes out. I think they even know that much if they were honest with themselves.

Having faith in Jesus is the most real way to live. Hearing from Him about things is direction and sight to our blindness of perception to the spirit realm. He ever abides inside to lead us into His best. So, though the regular natural person is blind to the reality of their spirit and the spiritual realm, they somehow know that they are eternal, at least.

Others have deceived themselves about the fact they are eternal. What a rude awakening that must be for them. When, they thought it would be lights out, it’s over, instead, they realize that they are still the same person they were before. Only without their physical body.

Why are we so blind? Ever thought about that? How could people be so blind to the truth? At the fall in the beginning! That’s how! The whole race of Adam is pretty much blind to who they are! The emphasis is on the material natural side of our being.

That is why I tell people to focus on their spirit inside. Because being born in the imperfect fallen realm in imperfect fallen death doomed bodies, we need a focus change to get reality working in us. Deception flows everywhere in this fallen realm.

So, if we want the truth of things, we must hook up with Jesus. Then, we can get the real of things from Him. We have the Spirit of truth inside of us! We can see through Him when others cannot! The truth of the matter is, how in the world would you and I know the best for us and our families? Well, we don’t! God does!

So, hearing from Jesus is sight indeed! Hearing from Jesus is direction indeed! We can receive instruction in wisdom and understanding from Him in spiritual things and natural things. Looking at ourselves as spirits living in natural death doomed fallen bodies is the correct way to see ourselves. That is true.

Seeing that we are eternal, we should seek Jesus in everything. And, help others to come to know Jesus so they can see too! We need a big dose of reality to hit people in the world. So, this present darkness someday will be over. Then, the light of truth will be seen. No longer will people not understand they are eternal spirits.

Not that they HAVE an eternal spirit, but the fact that they ARE an eternal spirit. Even more than they are a physical body! Because their spirit will live on somewhere! Do most people know this or realize this is true of them? Nope! Not really! They are deceived. And, cannot see it. Well, we have the privilege to tell them the good news of Jesus. That is what is important. Are we doing what is important?” KF

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