They Can’t See!

By Ken Fletcher

“What does what you’re doing have to do with eternity? Are you looking at things right?

The popular focus is on the here and now. The trends. What is happening in the modern material world. There’s so much time and effort spent on temporary things that will not matter later. Games. Movies. Sports. And the list is long. Is there benefit in these things? Yes, of course. But, is it beneficial for eternity? Will what you’re doing last not only here and now but then and there too?

What am I talking about here? I’m talking about the eternal ones who you work or go to school with. They are eternal. They are who Jesus came for. They are important!

Sometimes it is hard to realize that the person you are looking at in the flesh is not the person you are talking to. THAT person is the hidden person inside. The flesh they are in is also temporary. Just like ours. And, the time we have to spend with them is very temporary.

If we understood our existence correctly, we will realize that what we are doing here is very brief. But, so important! People must see Jesus! They must! We are taking Him with us everywhere! When we touch them, Jesus touches them. He speaks through us to them.

I think, sometimes we don’t even know He is talking through us to them. But, He does. And, we get to be part of it all. What a blessing! They are watching our lives. They know we are different than others. But, their concept of Jesus usually comes from religion. So, many times it is really messed up. So, we get to show them the real Jesus. Not the one they have heard about from religion.

Yes, there are truths that have been taught by religion. But, the other add on stuff they say is God, or the truth, many times, are man initiated add ons.–Which cloud the real truth of how things really are with them and God. They are confused. And, since they do not want what religion is pushing on them, they feel rejected by God.

We are the ones Jesus is using to reach them. Are we conscious of it? Do we realize what Jesus is doing? We get to pray and believe for them. We get to help, lift and encourage them when they are going through a tough spot.

Without the Lord, life is hard. Even for the more privileged ones. They may have lots of natural stuff, but it matters not. Because stuff cannot make you happy and satisfied inside. Only Jesus answers the longing of our soul. He is what people are searching for. They are looking for something real. Something greater than what they are experiencing in life. Well, we have Him! And we get to share with them how good Jesus really is.

Many times, they feel like God hates them because of what they are involved in. Religion has told them this. And, that is not true! If we can get people to understand that God is NOT mad at anybody. No matter what they are doing. Because, God truly did pour all of His anger and condemnation of unrighteousness upon Jesus at the cross. Do they know it?

Jesus took it all. Do they realize that God has set them free? That eternal life is theirs through Jesus–already paid for!–Waiting for them to pick it up by faith? No. They don’t. Because, if they did–if they really understood, I believe they would reach out for Jesus almost every time.

So, what we are really dealing with here is blindness of perception! They do not perceive the truth of God. They do not understand even WHY Jesus came! Can you see how confusing religion has made the simplicity of the good news of Jesus to people?

We have to overcome all that false crap for their sake. And introduce them to the real Jesus of the Bible. He is all about relationship, not how good we can perform. Through our relationship with Jesus we learn how to live in victory. His victory! And, we implement it into our lives here on earth.

I wish everybody could see and understand the real Jesus. How He really is! Then, many more people would want Him in their lives. I want the people to see the goodness of God like I have known. But, their blindness of perception locks them out. It is unbelief and darkness of reality that keeps them from the truth!

Can they see? Yes. Will they see? Much is decided upon their will and what they want. Some don’t want Jesus. But, I believe, with them, it is mostly because they REALLY don’t know the truth about Him. That’s why! So, we are always working–turning on the light of truth every chance we get. To help them to see!

Really now, what ARE you doing? Humm..? Do you see the significance of what your life should be about? Yes. The natural stuff is all part of it here and now. But the real thrill of life is seeing Jesus move in the natural realm. To see miracles! Oh, boy, that’s the deal! And to see people come to Jesus through things we do down here, oh man, that is the best!

No matter what we are doing in this life, let’s strive to always remember who we are. We are ambassadors for the Kingdom of God! And We have a powerful message of eternal life through Jesus. For EVERYONE who believes! No matter who. No matter where.

After everything is said and done, will what you are doing in life matter in the long run? Well, that is up to you. Because Jesus wants to flow through you. But, you must be in agreement with Him. Not going another way.–you and He on the same page. Doing the same thing together. In His will. Walking in love and in faith every day and night.

We have much to tell these dear ones! Dear friend, ask yourself. Are you really about your Father’s business? With love.” KF

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