By Ken Fletcher

As I look around, I see that nothing has really changed in 2000 years on earth. It’s still the world against Jesus and those who are His.

Every other belief is embraced into the diversity club except Jesus. Why isn’t Jesus invited? Becasue He IS narrow minded! AND, in their estimation, things cannot REALLY be that way! Besides that, they do not want to recognize that Jesus IS God. That He was born here on earth through a virgin. God is His Father! That God raised Him up alive from the dead! Do they want to believe that? Nope! If they did, then they would have to believe that what He said to us IS TRUTH. And, they do not accept what He said AS TRUTH. See what I mean? In that regard, nothing has changed in over 2000 years.

This is one thing Jesus said that the world has a major problem with: In John 14:6, “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” That’s too narrow minded, though! That can’t be right, they say! So, instead of believing the Master, and the way things really are, they CHOOSE to believe a lie!! That’s where MILLIONS are right now in the world!

I am NOT the one who is narrow minded. The world really is. They want ANYTHING other than this. Why? Because IT IS TRUE! Thats why! They are closed minded to seeing it the right and true way. And, because of that, they WILL be living in falsity and deception in one degree or another.

Listen, the degrees of deception can get so deep and so convincing. They can get so complicated in deep philosophies and mental gymnastics that it almost seems endless. They crave knowledge. And through that knowledge they believe they understand reality and truth about the universe, God and the cosmos, etc. The problem is, it goes cross wise to the Bible and the way God says it is.

So, though it’s not popular in the worlds eyes, I’m staying with Jesus. Thick or thin. Don’t matter! I’m NOT going anywhere from Him. Period! Regardless of what the other billions of people decide to do down here, I’m with Him! Is the division between people’s beliefs because of Jesus? No. It’s because of the REJECTION of Jesus! That is why it exists! That’s the real problem here on earth and in the hearts of people! For them to AWAKEN to the truth about Jesus! Vital! All real knowledge that won’t pass away comes through Jesus to us. That’s the real of things. The rejection of Jesus is the rejection of truth! So, by doing that, many stay deceived in the world. Take a look at where you stand on things. Where is your life planted? What are you basing your understanding on? Do you see things correctly or not? Search your heart. Do you know Jesus? Regardless of what you believe, HE IS THE WAY! He is Truth to us! With an honest heart, seek HIM!” KF

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