The Universe?

By Ken Fletcher

“It seems popular in our day for people to think that God is an impersonal force of some kind. A mystical ideal that does not have any real basis of truth. It’s someone’s concept of what is real. But, it’s false!

The Lord Jesus is very personal. Father God is very personal. And the Holy Spirit is also very personal. God is not an indescribable force. But, we are made in His own likeness and image! We look like Him! He looks like us!

That is very personal. And, so, we can know Him personally! And, we should know Him better each day we live. The fact is that people who do not know Jesus cannot really know God. Faith in Jesus is the entry point to God.

Many times I feel sorry for those who believe wrongly about Him. They have received wrong information about God. So, their whole viewpoint is messed up. They have not known Him. And, so, when I tell some of them about Jesus and what He is like, they are so surprised.

Sometimes, they really don’t believe me when I tell them how good Jesus is. But, I plant the seed. And, who knows, maybe someday something will cause that seed to open up and take root. We should be constant seed sowers!

Those who believe other things beside the Bible as basis of truth will find themselves more confused as time goes along. As the deception unravels, they find themselves without any real foundation of truth.

When one really encounters the truth about Jesus and why He came to earth, then light begins to show up all the lies. A person can actually see and comprehend what is going on here on earth. Jesus paid the way for us to come into right relationship with God.

We who have put our trust in Jesus have become one with Jesus and with God. We now share in His eternal life. The same life that God the Father has! The universe is not God. The universe is a created physical natural realm universe. God is Spirit.

We are spirit AND physical. So, we are really existing in both realms at the same time. But, the physical universe is a product that came out of God, but it is not Him! Before the physical realm existed, God was.

The spiritual realm is where the physical realm came from in the beginning. So, when people speak of the universe being God, it shows that they obviously do not know Him yet. Well, we’re believing to help some of them to come into the truth of Jesus and leave all that other false stuff behind!

There are some really strange beliefs out there. Some people are totally convinced of what they believe. Even if it is really false. They will fight you because of it! Even if you were to prove them wrong, they will continue to believe what they want to believe.

Unless there is some kind of shake up in their lives. To bring them to the truth. That is what many need in these days. A real good shaking! To awaken them to the truth of where they are with God!

If we people would not be so stubborn and willful, maybe God could get some sense into us! Well, I’m praying for you. That the light will come on and you can see where you really are!

No. I’m so glad to tell you that God is not the universe. He made it. It is a wonderful thing to come into right relationship and truth with our Creator through Jesus!” KF

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