The True Church

By Ken Fletcher

“There are true believers that are members of the true church of Jesus Christ who do not go to an organized church. There are some people who are members of an organized church who are not the true church of Jesus Christ.

The organized church is not the determining factor of who is in the actual true church of Jesus Christ. Jesus is! He knows who are His and who are NOT really His. Religion wants to define who is in God’s church and who isn’t. Since His grace is freely accessible to anyone in the world at any time through faith, His true believers are those who unite with Him in spirit, not just to those who go to a church building on certain days of the week.

What we call church is really supposed to be a fellowship of believers who love each other, and help each other, and build each other up in the Lord. Worshiping God together.

What about those believers who do not attend? Are they not in God’s church? Of course, they are! Regardless of whether or not they fellowship there. What’s important is that they individually are doing what Jesus is telling them to do. And, no man can tell them that except Jesus Himself in their hearts.

We should endeavor to understand the magnitude of what Jesus did for humanity. There is one body of Christ in the world and in heaven. Only one! Jesus IS the head of His body. Only one!

People look at other people and judge from a perspective of their own understanding. Not realizing that Jesus is the head of the other believer. They should do what He is telling them to do. Not what we think they should do. We presume too much! We are trying to take the place of the Holy Spirit. Not a smart thing to do.

If we do not understand some things, we should keep our hand over our mouth until the Lord brings us understanding. There is much more at work in God’s plan than what can be seen by us. Man looks on the outward. God looks upon the heart without condemnation. Can another man do that? I think not. So, another man sees people very partially and judges from his partial perspective of understanding.

The church is everyone who loves Jesus in truth. God knows who are His. And, He knows who is pretending. Many who are going to churches are playing games with God. A religious game! Because He sees it all in us. He knows all the motives.

Our goal should be to see ourselves inside the way He sees us. To understand the magnitude of what Jesus has done in and through the church. It is so much greater than organized buildings and meetings and crowd sizes, etc. It is for the whole world all the time every day!

Who really IS in the real everlasting eternal church of the Lord Jesus? Just those who attend a certain building on a certain day? No. I say to you, God’s true church is walking around inside fallen earthly bodies all over the world right now! By the millions! Everyone who believes! It is greater than we can comprehend right now. Someday, we will see it for what it is. But, now, the danger is with us limiting our perceptions to an earthly concept of what the church is. Not what it is in actuality with Jesus. Lets awaken to reality, believers!” KF

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