The Sweet Spot

By Ken Fletcher

“In this life I don’t believe that a person can be consistently led by the Lord with out Him having our will. It’s with our will, the most inward part of our being, that we submit and commit ourselves to His will. It’s there that we can be assured we are hearing accurately. In this place. Of total commitment. To His will. 

When Jesus has it all in us, everything, we can perceive the true of ourselves from Him. Too many people do not want to submit and commit totally to Jesus. They may have received Him and His eternal life, but they still want to do things their own way. There are many believers like that. Yes, there is! It is they who are missing out on what could be in their lives. 

To some degree, they are settling for less than God’s best. But, they don’t know it. But, they won’t turn loose of their will to give to Jesus either. So, they go on missing out on the good things the Lord is trying to steer them into. Well, the truth of the matter is, Jesus does the best He can with what we give to Him to work with. Whether little or much or all. 

Yes. It really does take some faith. And, some trust. In Jesus. And, it will happen because we love Him. More than anything. More than this present life. More than the things of this world. We love Him. We give Him everything because WE want to. He does not force or coerce us to do it. Your will is your will. Always. So, the best thing we can do with our will is give it to Jesus. 

In our will really is contained our whole life. Past, present, and future. Everything we touch in life is contained in it’s scope. Giving it all to Jesus means we trust Him with it all. Knowing He will guide us, and help us, to come into His best for us. And, He does. But, do we believe it? Many do not. And, their lives will be frustrating–filled with care and worry. 

When we give it all to Jesus, what is there to worry about? Really! There is nothing to worry about when He has it all. He will take good care of us in abundance! Do we trust Him with everything like that? Humm…? Only those who want to know Him like that will experience this in their lives. The many others will pass it on by. Not realizing what they have missed. Sad. 

I’m trying to get folks to see that giving Jesus everything is the moat amazing place to live. You live in a place of peace. No want. Healed. Directed. Protected. Selected for service in the Kingdom! Plus, you get to see miracles! Pretty cool! Listen, it’s the most real way to live–living by faith in Jesus! 

We need to focus on what’s really important in our lives. It all starts with the foundation of faith in Jesus. And we grow and learn from there how to live by faith. I’m rootin’ for ya! Get yourself into the sweet spot with the Lord!” KF  

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