The Spirit Of This World

By Ken Fletcher

“People believe what they want to believe. There are millions of philosophies and ideas of what is real. The world is a fallen place–out of the perfect order that God designed and created in the beginning. That is why! So, people believe all kinds of things that are not pure truth.

Mankind is operating from a partial understanding of life as we are in a fallen state, in a death-doomed atmosphere. Our thinking is shaped upon partial information coming from a fallen partial view of our total existence.

The fallen natural realm blinds us from truth of the real spiritual realm. It blinds people’s perceptions of the fact that they are primarily a spirit being.

This partial sight and understanding is the basis for mankind’s perception issues of reality within their own selves. The enemy knows full well all about this and has used it against humanity since the beginning. He has been all too successful deceiving people on earth from the truth.

To compile all of the negative effects of mankind’s fall from God’s perfect design are too numerous to list. But, the main thing that mankind is blind to is their separation from God and their need for a savior.

Without Jesus, mankind has no hope to escape the trap we have found ourselves in. Satan was the gatekeeper of our imprisonment. We had no escape from the death and separation. That is, until Jesus came! He changed everything for us!

He gave us a choice! The right choice! We can come out of deception and bondage to the enemy and into the Kingdom of God. Out of death and separation into God’s very own eternal life. This life of Jesus abides in every believer!

The world is lying in wickedness and deception apart from God. It’s the spirit of the world. After reading a reply from someone on X under a post that I had writen, I could not understand why this person spewed such hate at me for what I wrote. Then, the Lord reminded me that we are not of this world now that we have become one with Jesus.

The world cannot understand where I am with Him. So, since they cannot understand it, they call me crazy and all kinds of hateful things. Attacking me and what I believe. I understand now better that it is nothing personal really. They just do not know Jesus. And, they will naturally do what their father wants them to do. And, their father is not my Father. Theirs is the spirit of the world–which is anti-Christ.

It should not be a shock to us. We should understand. We should love them anyway as much as we can. Why? Because, they are in trouble! Big, BIG trouble! And, they do not even realize it. They do not see reality of where they are with God. So, how can they act any differently?

Unless the Spirit of God revels it to them–and gives them a dose of light and reality of true self perception, how can they be any different toward those who love Jesus?

The problem is, many of them want to stay in the dark. So, the light irritates them. Shows them up. Exposes their hearts. There is where the hate comes from that lashes out! That’s the same resident hatred in men that motivated them to send Jesus to the cross. It’s the same spirit that’s in the world now.

The Apostle John wrote in the Bible that we know the whole world lies in wickedness apart from God. We are God’s through our faith in Jesus. They are not. They are of this world. We are not. Just like Jesus.

Are we surprised at their hatred? We shouldn’t be. So, lets be prepared to look at it for what it is. Lets decide to love them anyway in spite of their deception and hatred. In the end, friends, everyone gets what they want. Yes? A life and eternity apart from God and Jesus? Is that what they want? Well, they can and will do what they want.

As for me, I want Jesus more than anything. I really hope that you do also. He’s now available to everyone who believes! Including you! Everyone who wants Jesus and His eternal life can have Him! What spirit are you of? You already know! My prayers are with you, friend.” KF

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