The Real Treasure

By Ken Fletcher

“What many people believe is important in their lives, in the scope of eternity, means nothing.

All that effort and planning. All the risk. Sleepless nights worrying. Up early. Staying up late. Studying. Sacrificing. Working. Preparing. Stressing. For what? Something that will mean nothing in eternity. Nothing everlasting.

Yes, we must be about something in the material world. But, to focus our purpose on natural things is a big mistake. As believers, we must focus on what is eternal and everlasting. Things that will not change with time. God’s things. Which are also our things.

Natural things can be great. But, must be understood in light of eternal things. Natural things can be used to help people in spiritual things also. We are to be led by the Lord on how to use our resources for others.

Likewise in our jobs and personal lives, we want the Lord to flow through us to others. That is the eternal stuff. Love. Faith. Encouragement. Prayer. Peace. Anything of the Kingdom we can transfer to others in this life. That is what is important. That they come into contact with Jesus.

Is the Job important? Of course it is. But, what is more important is the souls we work around each day. That is the eternal and everlasting. Jesus is eternal and everlasting. Our relationship with Him is also eternal. And, we have Him now. In this life. We can help others to come to know Him. That is what is really important.

It is important to transfer the knowledge of Jesus to our children and grandchildren. There is so much deception in this present world. They need to know what is really going on. That is what is important.

I see people every day doing things that are not important in the eternal scope. Busy busy busy. Think think think. Do do do. Sleep. Get up and do it again. All week, month, year. Life. Then, upon their passing, awaken to spiritual reality that is forever.

Why not think and be aware of the important eternal things now while we have time in this life? Then, as we live, we can have proper perspective on the natural realm–understanding what is really going on here in the matrix.

I was thinking today about the tremendous enterprises and the huge amounts of money and power that are daily being transferred around the world. All the effort and lives that it represents. Effecting millions of people. Yet, in the eternal scope, where is it? How does God see it? Will it remain after everything is said and done?

Much of what we think will last will not be found anywhere in eternity. So, the idea is to find out what WILL last and be involved with that. We find out what is important to Jesus. Then, that is what needs to be most important to us.

We know what is most important to Jesus is people. Reaching them with the message of eternal life in Him. That is what is most important for us. For all of us. No matter where we are and what we are involved in. We should be most interested in touching people with God’s love and the message of Jesus. That IS what is important.

That is what is eternal and will not pass away! Doing something for others. To help them. I can think of no better thing that we could do for other people than get them to Jesus! That is what will remain after everything is over down here.

That is reality, my friend. But, are people perceiving it? Do they understand? No. They are blind to what is really important and going about doing natural temporary things. We want to help expose the truth for them. Working with the Holy Spirit to reach them.

No matter what your job or what you are involved with, the people you are around are the real treasure! They are the real reason. Lets all be about our Father’s business and work to help them see reality. The reality of Jesus and what He has done for us all.” KF

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