The Real Fun

By Ken Fletcher

“Here’s some food for thought, believer. Consider within yourself who you really are. Do you believe that you see yourself correctly as Jesus our Lord sees you? I can tell you that you probably do not. Most believers do not realize who they are. Not even close sometimes.

Listen, I am trying to grasp what the Lord is showing me. It’s bigger than we can comprehend in this life, I believe. But, the parts that I am able to grasp are amazing. Just to be in constant communication with Jesus all the time is beyond amazing to me. Even when I’m not conscious of His thoughts, many times, I find myself automatically doing what He is wanting.

Oh yeah, I miss it too. But, when I do, I try and get back into His best as quick as I can. But, the longer I go, I am realizing that we really are in unity. That we really do want the same things. We really are going the same direction. Together.

It gives me joy to hear Him tell me that all is well. Full steam ahead. I’ve got all of you. There are no hinderances now. Well, my friend, that is where I hope you are with Him. You know, it really is up to you and I. Because, our Lord respects our will. And, gives us the right to choose His way or ours, or maybe a blend in some percentage.

He will bless what He can in our lives. Why not give Him all of yourself? Then, you can see all your life blessed not just some parts. There is joy there. There is peace there. There is abundance there. There is healing. Encouragement. And, much much more. And, I think the one thing about our unity with Jesus that may be the most important thing. And, that is, direction. His leadership in life is so, so important. For you and for me.

And, to get His leadership clearly in our soul, we must put ourselves into His will. By and act of our own will. Staying yielded all the time. Then, we can receive precise leadership from the Master all the time.

If you really knew who you are. I mean, really. You and Jesus together. In unity. Your mind would be blown. He has been blowing mine with what He has shown me. But, I’m just perceiving partially. A little bit.

Well, I know that as long as I’m down here, I’m going to be living by faith in His word. Simply because of all that I DON’T see. Jesus obviously does. And, we’re in union together He and I. So, then even though I can’t perceive everything here in the matrix, He can. He directs me though the maze of the matrix everyday. By faith I follow.

Can I miss it? Sure. But, Jesus is training me. I’m a slower learner on some things more than other things. But, a learner I am. I’m getting it. A little at a time. I guess in many ways, I have brought you, reader, with me on my journey.

Of course, I can’t share everything that I am encountering. But, the things I am seeing that the Lord wants me to share, I’m glad to do it. In hopes it will help someone else along their journey. I don’t write to you to tell you about how great my relationship with Jesus is to make you think I’m mister spiritual dude. Or that I am better than anyone else.

The truth is that I have come into this thought to thought thing with the Lord. And, after 50 years with Jesus, I had never heard Him that way before. So easily. So instant. Well, it has changed my life. And I have simply been trying to communicate to other believers what happened. And, why it happened. According to the Lord. Well, that is what the whole Know thyself series is about. If you really really want to know what happened to me, it’s on there. And, is still being recorded.

It is possible to understand who you are to the degree that you look at yourself differently–as the Lord sees you. You, the soul, submitted and committed to Jesus, are running the show from the inside out. You can begin to see through the deceptions of the matrix (the fallen material realm). You can understand your body in it’s fallen state.

You, the soul, the real you, that lives forever with the Lord, that is now living in a fallen body, with a mind that needs renewing in some areas, are beginning to get hold of the wonder of your union with the Holy Spirit, Jesus, and the Father! Where does this all come from? I believe it simply begins with a desire in your heart to give everything to Jesus and keep it there. Everything!

Well, most folks are not wanting to go there. Most believers too. I believe that they give Jesus some portions. Sometimes for a little while. Maybe when the Spirit is manifesting at church. Or another time. No doubt sincere as can be at the time. But, in just a little while. Well, other things sort of slip in from the world.

Does it sound like I have been there? Yep! Well, I know it is strong. Most folks are not really ready to commit like that with the Lord. So, they end up just being spoon fed. They are all precious, of course. And, Jesus does not condemn any. But, the truth is, they are missing out. Because the real fun is in giving Jesus totally everything. Right from your heart.

I don’t think I’ll get a lot of response on this writing. Because, most folks do not relate at all with what I am saying. I really hope that you do. It is my prayer that more would discover what I am experiencing. It would thrill me to find out that more believers are hearing Jesus like this. I know He wants it. He told me so.

Well, if by chance you are one who wants to live with Jesus like I have been trying to describe, my prayers are with you. Study with me on the Know Thyself series. It’s all on our website or on YouTube on The Road Of Faith Seminar channel. I know that Jesus had me do these recordings for people who want to consistently hear from Him.

Personally, I know there is nothing I can do for people unless they want change in their lives. Talking to Jesus about that, He says He just has to back off and let people do things their own way. Which He knows is not as good for them as His will is. But, they have a will of their own. Don’t they! Yep! And they are gonna do what they want to do.

Well, I’m trying to get folks to change their minds about that. Because, if they do, and hook up with Jesus totally, well, look out! Cause things will be completely different from then on. Sound like something you might be interested in? We ALL should be very interested in this. Problem is, folks don’t know on all they are missing out on.

Jesus just gets better and better. Actually, He is the same, we just get to perceive more and more of His goodness as we grow in our understanding. My prayer for you is that you will experience living by faith in Jesus in your life.–That you will come to know Him to the point where you willingly turn your whole life over to Him for His direction from now on. I’m rooting for you, believer! Just some food for thought here for you to take or leave.” KF

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