The Real Division

By Ken Fletcher

“Some believe that the Bible is a mythical book. Not relevant in our modern day of thought. People are now enlightened in their own eyes. Looking down their noses are those who choose to believe the Bible and trust in Jesus. They want nothing to do with Jesus. Bitter at those who serve Him. The hatred is in their lips–coming straight from their hearts.

Why the bitterness and hatred against those of faith and the Bible? There exists two different human families. That’s what is at the core of it. One is the Family of God–those who are In Christ, and the other is the family of Adam–those who are not in Christ–who remain in the fallen race apart from God. Satan is their lord. Jesus is our Lord.

We have been reconciled back to God through faith in Jesus! Where does that leave the other who does not believe? Apart from God! In condemnation! Who is condemning them? Not God! The devil condemns them, and they themselves condemn themselves. They are the children of disobedience. Going the way of their father.

They do not know Jesus. So, they do not know God the Father. All they believe that they have is here on earth. But, what they do not comprehend is that there is eternity and it is now! Not later!

The people of God are in Christ. The people of the world are not. Yet, though they do not realize it most of the time, they are also eternal. What happens to them after their body dies and the deception of this world is gone? They go to be with their spiritual family–the fallen family apart from God.

It matters what people believe, friend. They might want to reconsider their stance against God and the Bible. Even if some do not understand it, still, it is wise to keep an open heart about it. Do not reject the message of Jesus. Those that do will be living in condemnation and deception. Because the truth is in Jesus!

The way to God is Jesus! God’s eternal life is only in Jesus! The message of eternal life through Jesus is found in the Bible! Those who are in Christ have His very own eternal life! We actually share it together! We are one in God. Are you God’s? Do you know Jesus?

But, how do we know what Jesus has done for us except through the Bible? Well, it was written by the Holy Spirit through different men. Among many other things, the prophesies foretold and then much later fulfilled are some of the strongest reasons for us to believe.

It is true. Even though many wish it were not true. Because it speaks about what is right, full of wisdom, and understanding for us all. Those who practice wrong doing find themselves in opposition to it’s teachings. They want to be free from God’s teachings. And, so they naturally condemn those who are trying to follow God’s teachings.

The real division is spiritual not natural. Both races have the same fallen earthly bodies. The difference is inside. The sprit of a person. The real person! Jesus came to bring God’s eternal life to all who are in the fallen race. But, what does the person want? God wants them! But, what do they want?

We all are created with an individual will of our own. Which means we can reject God. We can reject Jesus. We can reject the Bible as true. We can believe what we want to believe! Just because we reject the Bible, does it make it untrue? No! It stands true no matter what men and women think about it.

The wise person will take heed to themselves to see where they really are without God! Because, eternity is now, not just later!

Personally, I have been healed supernaturally by faith in God’s Word. I know it is true for many reasons. One is, I would not be writing this to you right now except I believed the Bible! When several doctors did not know how to help me in my permanent nerve damage, God healed me through faith in His word. I know the Bible is true! No matter what anyone else may believe!

I have seen such evil spewing hatred against Jesus and the Bible in recent days. Where do you think that originates? The devil. That’s where! So, many times it becomes so obvious what family people are part of. Just listen what comes out of their mouths about Jesus and the Bible.

Well, people will make up their own minds about Jesus. I have made up my mind. I am happy that I am part of Jesus. And, if people knew how good He is, they would come running. But, many love their evil too much and want to hang on to their own ways. They could have Jesus, but they love other things more.

In this nation, I have never seen such a divide of darkness and light. Wrong and right. Never have I seen such deception and lies on a mass scale. Satan is pouring on the gas. It seems to be pedal to the metal time for him.

But, I am so thankful he is temporary. Just like the evil. God’s Kingdom will stand forever. This earth evil kingdom will pass away and will be a distant memory to those in Christ. Reader, I hope you are in Christ. If you are on the fence about whether or not the Bible is true. Then, all you need to do is to honestly ask God to reveal to you whether it is or not. He will. The question is, will you sincerely ask Him?” KF

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