The Question

By Ken Fletcher

“Why do you need Jesus? Many reasons. Since Jesus brought with Him to earth God’s very own eternal life, what that means is, you and I did not have it! Or, why would He come from heaven to die and be raised again from the dead?

So, no matter what we had thought before, apart from Jesus, we do not have God’s eternal life. It is only available through faith in God’s work in Jesus! You can look everywhere, but you will not find God’s kind of life anywhere except through faith in Jesus.

To reject what Jesus is offering to you means you do not possess what you really need more than anything else! If you don’t have Jesus, you don’t have His life. Simple.

The good news is He is available to everybody who believes! Once you have received His life into your heart, you are heaven ready–no matter what may come or go. You have Jesus!

And, having Jesus means you have everything that is His now and later! People just don’t know how good He really is! Not until you get to know Him. And, as you do, then you find out progressively and increasingly how wonderful the Lord is in your own life.

No one can know how good He is to us individually but us. He is so personal. He is so close. Closer than anybody! I know He IS eternal life and everything I have found out about him these 50 plus years is amazingly good!

Why people reject Him is beyond me to understand. Maybe the only thing they may know is what someone has told them about Jesus. And, that can be completely off of the way He really is in truth.

But, it usually comes from people who know Him very little in actuality. They may know some things about Him, they think. They may have studied about Him in the Bible. But, they still may be mixed up about some things and not really know the truth as they should. Most people have heard wrong about Jesus. It is because of the light, or lack of light, that is cast upon Him by religion.

He is always positive about you. He is always encouraging. He will only give you the truth. The Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit will never condemn you. Jesus can do much more in and for you than you can believe Him for. He is unlimited. It is we who limit Jesus in our lives. He wants to do much more in your life than you realize.

He will always lead you in the right paths in life. No matter where you are or what is happening, Jesus is there in you. Always present and accessible. As a faithful friend, When the going gets tough in your life, when others may leave you for whatever the circumstance, He never will. For any reason! He promised us in His Word. The question is, do we believe it?

There was a time over 45 years ago that I believed that He had left me. Because of my poor performance, I was convinced that God did not want anything else to do with me anymore. I had tried and failed so many times. I was so miserable thinking God had left me.

But, late one night, working alone, Jesus spoke clearly to me in my despair. He said very firmly to me, “I told you I would never leave or forsake you”. I heard the truth right from Him! I had been taught wrong about Him. I did not know He was really like that! I found out that night directly from Him that what I had been taught was not the way He is! I remember thinking to myself right after, now, THAT’S a TRUE FRIEND. One who will not leave or be inaccessible when you’re not doing so good. Or missed it. Or got messed up in your thinking. Or anything!! He will always be there!

Boy, I want you to know, after hearing Jesus say that, it made such a difference in my life after. I had the truth now! Confidence came to me as I finally understood His grace and love for me. It IS constant! Not based on how good we can perform.

He’s there to help you! He’s there with solutions. He’s there with direction–the best way to go. What to avoid in your life that could hurt you. He is there to provide wisdom to help in ANY situation you encounter in life! Now, THAT is a friend like no other! Thats Jesus!

Ask yourself, if you REALLY know Him? Maybe you are like I was. Maybe you believe you’re rejected by God because of something you may have done.

Maybe you think Jesus does not want you. I can assure you, dear reader, Jesus WANTS YOU just the way you are! He did all that He did for you too! You were included in God’s plan!

Why not receive Him and all that He is? Why not give your remaining days on earth to Him? Let Him guide you into His best!

Why do you need Jesus? In this crazy world, nothing else makes any sense without Him. He brings to us reality. He brings us into the way things really are with God. He is The Truth and The Life.

Why do you need Jesus? Whether you realize it or not, you need change in your heart that only He can do. Through faith in His love, you can believe and receive! John 3:16 says that, God so loved people in the world (this includes you) that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes on Jesus will not perish but have everlasting life. Only believing in Jesus puts you into right-standing with God. For now and eternity!

Dear friend, why do you need Jesus? THIS is the main deception of this world; that men and women do NOT need Jesus. According to the Bible, ONLY in Jesus is life. Without Jesus, there is no eternal life. But, in reality, the life that people have now, apart from Jesus is a fallen, separated from God life. A cursed life. This is not what God’s will is for anyone!!

The person who has Jesus has life. The person who does not have Jesus does not have life. This life is the same eternal life that God has. He has given it to us freely by His grace through His gift of Jesus.

We did not deserve it. But, God did not do it on the basis of what we deserved. He did it based upon His love and grace toward us!

Friend, as far as God is concerned, the only thing that remains is what will you do with His love and grace? He cannot do your part for you. And, your part is to believe and receive what He has provided for us all.

Pray this prayer with me to God sincerely from your heart. Dear God, I realize I am a sinner. I understand that I am not right with you. But, I’ve heard the good news about what you did through Jesus to redeem me out of satan’s control and my separated condition. I do not want to be separated from you anymore! I believe what you did through Jesus to make me right with you. So, by faith in what you did for me, I receive Jesus as my Lord. God, according to what you said, if I do this, I now have eternal life. Thank you Father! Thank you Jesus! I now belong to you!

If you spoke that sincerely from your heart, God heard you! And, He did what He said He would do! Jesus came in! You now have Him! Things will be different for you from now on!

Why do you need Jesus? Everyone needs Jesus! All! No one excluded! No matter what you have been told. No matter where you are. No matter what you have done. Jesus is for you! Why are you afraid to receive Him? He is the best thing you can ever hope to come in to!

I hope you prayed that prayer with me tonight. If you did, I’ll be seeing you later! Welcome to the Family! With love.” KF

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