The Other One Is Fake

By Ken Fletcher

“The world is plunging headlong into wrong directions. Directions of control. Less personal freedoms. More lies. More evil agendas. More deceptions. 

The masses are too distracted with all kinds of things going on in this realm and they’re not paying attention to the trends.–What the power people are doing in the dark to give themselves more money, power and control over the people. 

As the leaders appear that they are doing the will of the people, they are actually working against the will of the people almost without notice. Why? Because the masses are playing video games, and watching movies, and going out to eat at restaurants, etc. 

Is there anything wrong with those things? No, of course not. But, those things are supposed to have proper place in our lives. Keeping the important stuff important. We are not paying attention! And, those that are paying attention are those who have selfish motives and are in allience with demons. 

This world is not as it appears. So much is going on behind the scenes in the darkness of the spiritual realm. Men and women of power are connected to it. And, doing the will of Satan. Who is working against mankind all the time. 

What must happen? A major change in the hearts of men and women. They need Jesus in order to see what is happening in reality. Otherwise, they are blind to the agendas of the enemy. According the Bible, it is going to get much worse in the future. 

I wonder sometimes what kind of world my kids & grandkids will live in after I’m gone? Well, It is changing so fast now. Technology is propelling it. And, the technology is being used not to liberate people, but to centralize control to hold power over the people. You will see it more and more as time goes along. 

I’m convinced that the only way we are going to be able to perceive things correctly as we live in the matrix is by our faith in Jesus and His Word. Then, we can understand and see through all those evil agendas. 

The world may be deceived. We who are infused with Jesus’ Spirit are not. If you’re reading this today and you are not connected to Jesus, you have much to fear in the future. It is very uncertain what is going to take place in your lifetime! And it is headed in destructive directions. 

There is no better time than now to receive Jesus and His eternal life! Choose Him! Receive His life. Turn your back on what was before! And, go forward in faith with Jesus! 

So then, no matter what goes down here on earth, you are together with Jesus. And, for you, everything is going to turn out great. Because, you have Jesus on board with you through all that may come. But, it’s up to you how you go forward. 

Personally, I would not want to face the future without Jesus. And, that’s the fact that keeps me in peace about my kids and grandkids. They have Jesus! So, when I’m running around all over heaven, He is going to be as faithful to them as He has been to me here on earth. 

Are you living in this kind of confidence? A “no matter what” confidence? Well, I hope you do or are at least heading in that direction. The fact is, my friend, Jesus is the only real program running. The other one is fake!”  KF  

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