Origin Of Alcohol Part 2

By Ken Fletcher

“I am being led the best I know how on this important subject. We’re on a bit of a journey here, I guess. This is a continuation.  

We talked about the original earth and material realm. The way the earth was created by God. How long people lived. Also, I believe that the way the ecosystem was created in the original world, made the bacteria resulting from the fall not have much effect yet. Look how long folks lived before their bodies died. If the bacteria was very developed yet after the fall, would they have been able to live that long? No. I don’t believe so. 

Look AFTER the ecosystem changed how shortened the life spans were. Much more fallen realm bacterial and viruses had developed and flourished in the new fallen ecosystem, etc. It is even MUCH MORE developed in our day than it was then! The earth is groaning and travailing being out of whack with the perfect creation of God. 

Stuff in the material realm on earth is getting more violent and out of control. More sickness. More disease of varying types. More manifestations of death everywhere. The weather and everything else is showing more of the effects of the fall from God’s perfection. 

Last post, I was referring to the presence and influence of demons in connection with ingesting too much alcohol. We talked about where it comes from and why. Facts! Listen friend, it’s NOT an evil substance for us when used properly, I believe. 

Knowing where it came from helps us to understand why the abuse of it affects us in a negative way. We read about both positive and negative aspects of it in the Word. We see the truth of the Word in actuality in the lives of people who consume it. 

We even see Jesus Himself performing the miracle of turning water into wine at the wedding feast. I had a funny thought about that. You know, God knew they were going to drink at the feast anyway. So, He figured, give them some really GOOD wine. Why not? Because God is good! Isn’t that interesting! 

Did He condemn them? Of course not. He gave them some good wine to drink instead! He sure does think different that most religious folk do. Wonder who is really right about it? The religious folk or Jesus? Ha! Funny! 

We understand that Jesus went to parties and drank. Yes He did. The religious leaders said He could not be the Messiah because He was a drunkard. Was He really? 

Did He condemn the people who drank at those parties and gatherings at houses, etc? Come on, now! They loved Him being there! Are you getting real in your thinking? 

You may say, well, Ken you’re just giving people a license to drink booze! I don’t give out licenses to anybody for anything! Did Jesus? 

How does He think about it? Well, He showed us, now didn’t He! Okay, I can feel that I’m blitzing some believers minds out here. Listen, here is one revelation of truth I received from Jesus. 

The negative aspects of alcohol had NO effect on Jesus. He could drink a  gallon if He wanted with no negative effects or any kind on Him. He could drink all day long! And, not be intoxicated. He could go to those parties and drink with the people and minister to them right there where they were living! The alcohol had no negative effect on Him. Jesus was NEVER impaired by booze! You hear me? 

How do I know that? We talked in the previous article about the bacteria of the rotting grapes is what produces the alcohol. It is the product of rot! Of fallen realm bacteria fermenting! It could not touch Him. His blood was pure with no death in it! His Spirit was THE life of God in that body! That stuff bounced off of Him like a rubber ball. 

No sickness was in Him. Could not touch Him. Nothing like that could penetrate the perfect blood of God flowing in His veins. He was NOT subject to sickness or disease or anything like that resulting from the fall. No death in manifestation in Him at all! All God’s life. Flowing everywhere! He could not get drunk in a negative way. Unless He sinned! AND He did NOT sin! 

Even though many others thought He was a sinner by the folks and places He was around sometimes. He stayed pure in it all. Listen, because Jesus was the second Adam, and also THE LAST Adam! Had He not GAVE His life for us, He would still be living on earth with us today, over 2 thousand years later, looking as young as He was then. Why? Because death could not touch Him! That’s why! 

Someone says, well, He left a poor example for others by drinking with the people like that. Well, who says? I’m gonna do my best to emulate my Master. I think He knows a lot more than other people do about it! I believe I’ll do my best to think and act like He does–regardless of what the religious people think about it. I work for Jesus. Period! If they all don’t like me trying to be and think like Him, they can all go fly a kite! 

My wife and I have recently been to two holiday parties. Where lots of drinking was going on. Personally, I never have much liked dealing with some drunks. But, some are really funny and entertaining. Some get mean. Some get crazy as loons. But, ALL are loved by my Lord. So, even though I’m not big on dealing with some more difficult drunks, I want to be in the place Jesus wants me to be always. 

These were both very nice parties we got to attend. We really loved the people! That’s why we were there! It was fun for us to be with them! We enjoyed the parties. Jesus went with us! Some people really had a fun time. Some, you could see in their eyes, were very troubled. 

Listen, alcohol amplifies things in our fallen flesh. Ever heard of the term, crying in their beer? Seems like when some people have a real hard place in life, like the loss of a marriage or the death of a loved one, or anything like that, they go to the alcohol for comfort to ease the pain. The problem is, it is an amplifier to our fallen nature. 

This, our fallen nature that is in contact with a fallen natural material realm everywhere. The place where demon spirits roam unseen by people in the natural realm–Because of the blindness resulting from the fall in the garden of Eden. 

Should a person who is dealing with some loss of some kind, or in a bad place mentally, drink alcohol? It’s probably NOT a good idea to do that. It is an amplifier to our fallen nature. Really, at a time like that in a person, to drink alcohol is really the very worst thing they can do! The more they drink, the more it amplifies their sorrow and grief inside. The more it amplifies the negativity! Instead of helping kill or dull the pain, it amplifies it. So, in that instance of life, it can help put some people into depression. 

As I said in the previous post also, demons are watching and waiting for opportunity to inject their thoughts in the mix our your mind. Usually, those thoughts will loop and loop. If the intoxicated person does not realize that those thought are demonic, (most do not, of course) and the demons are attempting to control the outcome in their lives, injecting thoughts that will hurt and harm them or those they love or others around, they are at a huge disadvantage. Being blind to the truth of what’s really happening. 

At those times, the alcohol amplifies the fallen nature. Which is basically pride and selfishness. All of the results of the fall in our flesh. The works of the fallen flesh is amplified. Proper understanding and normal control of the thoughts are loosened within them. Sometimes to the point where demons can slip in, making the intoxicated person who is sorrowing, THINK that those destructive demonic injected thoughts he is thinking ARE HIS OWN. Lies and deception from demons are being believed. 

So, we know that the enemy wants to get the advantage over us all the time. And, he is low down as they come. And, he will kick you when your down when you’re hurting inside. And, beat you up! And, your loved ones too through you! So, alcohol can be a tool for him to gain the advantage over us. If it is used improperly. 

It can help heal. It can hurt. Understanding the fallen nature of our being is essential. What works for us personally before the Lord is what matters. What is beneficial for us personally? It’s up to us to know when and how to use substances. Especially this one. 

One thing for sure, Jesus does not want any substance to control us or bring us into a negative place in our lives. If you find out negative stuff is resulting from drinking, maybe you need to visit the subject, with complete honesty, before the Lord. Let Him show you what is right for you personally. That is what I believe. Wisdom. Know thyself! 

Let the Lord lead you into His best for you to live in. Is He okay with you drinking this amount or that amount at this time or that time? Or is He not okay with you drinking at all? We saw how He thinks about it. He just wants the best for you. That’s all. If it includes alcohol, well, don’t you think He knows? Just follow Jesus in it. Whatever it is. He will lead you into His best for your life. 

You WILL be happier and more trouble free. More peace. If you feel like you are addicted. Like so many other addictions, Jesus will set you free. Yes He will. If you allow Him to. 

I was addicted to coffee. I would ingest at least 4 or 5 big cups every morning for a long time. Then, one day, the events of the day prevented me from getting my coffee. By noon, I got the worst painful headache on the front AND the back of my head! Oh, my, it WAS terrible! I could not think or do anything. I would take an asprin or some other pain reliever. No help! Nothing would help EXCEPT ingesting some coffee. After doing that, I got some relief. 

I realized. Man, I’m addicted to coffee! I still liked it though. But, realizing I was addicted, I decided to taper off of coffee. It was fine when I could get it every day. But, if I did not, it let me know what the real story was in my head not too long after! I don’t drink caffeinated coffee anymore. It’s funny, though, I can drink a caffeinated pop or tea and I’m good. That’s just me. I am looking for what is best for me and my body in front of the Lord. You should be doing the same thing for yourself in front of the Lord. 

You want to live in the best He has, don’t you? Well, He’s not condemning you if you’ve missed it on stuff. He is just wanting to get you into His best for you! And, He knows you are gonna be the happiest in life there! But, many times, we’re too thick and dull of perception to get that! 

I also wanted to say concerning alcohol that there is a deffinate connection between it and our flesh. The connection is that the substance alcohol, being born, and the result of, the fall of mankind in Eden. And it being a bacteria excrement, the result of rot–that did not exist in the original creation, makes it interact with the fallen part of our being. That is what is actually happening with it and us. 

It can be positive for us, as the Bible says. It can be negative for us, as the Bible says. If you’re interested, and you should be, go look up all the scriptures in God’s Word. Just be wise. See if you need to make a correction or not before Jesus.  Don’t find yourself in the place that allows the enemy access to your mind. Stay yielded to Jesus in everything. 

I really hope that the Lord was able to bring some clarity, truth, and reality to your understanding about alcohol. Without the religion! Jesus is ALWAYS after your good! No matter where you are in life. Will you trust Him to lead you into His best for you personally this year?” With love, KF  

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