The Only Way To Fly

By Ken Fletcher

“Are you playing games with God? So many want to do things their own way. Then, bring it to God for His blessing. Can He bless it? Well, maybe partially. Maybe not at all.

So what does that mean? If He can’t bless it, then, it’s not going to turn out good for you somehow. But, this is what happens to many believers. They are going forward in life not knowing for sure if God is directing in their direction or not.

They may want Him to bless what they are doing, but can He? Will He? Does it matter to them if He does or not? The selfish life is not a happy life. Joy comes to us when we truly find the will of God for us personally.

What I mean is, we don’t just do things. We check to see if Jesus wants is to do this or that. Why? Simple. We want His will instead of our own will on things. I have found after many years with Him that His will for me has always been so much better than my own will in every way!

The more I can learn to yield to Him the better I like it! There is confidence there. There is peace there. There is abundance there. In that place of His perfect will, there is real eternal purpose happening. Each one of us need to sincerely and honestly go to Him on our choices and direction on everything we can!

To find His way is to find the best. I have had Him tell me other ways of doing things when I was set to do them another way. What a joy to do things by faith in what He says! I believe so many miss out on these really cool things about being in union with Jesus. They by-pass so much because of selfish desires.–Things they may want in life instead of what Jesus wants them to do.

What ends up happening is they do not get to experience walking things out in faith and seeing miracles. They miss so much. And, many times, don’t even realize that they are. I wish I could get folks out of playing games with Jesus. I wish I could help them see that yielding everything to Him is the only way to fly in this life!

The life of faith is a life of following Jesus’ words. He lives in us all day and night–awake when we sleep. Never far away. But closer than anyone can ever be. Always connected through the Holy Spirit. Instant access to the Throne of God.–Always!

I wish I could help folks to see that His ways and directions are perfect for each of us in particular. But, there must be a yielding of our own will to discover His great will for each of us. Only you know for sure. Are you playing games with God?

When are you going to let Him run things in your life? I assure you, it is the best thing you can do. I wish I could get the young people to see the amazing benefit of giving everything to Jesus. Those who have can attest that His ways are the ways that are the best.

Really, it is such a shame that many people will never experience what Jesus had for them in this life. They miss out on so much. I am praying for you, right now, reader. Don’t waste more time playing games. Time is so valuable. Once it is gone, it’s gone.

But, you have what is still ahead. And, turning your future over to Jesus is the best thing you can do! Will you? There really is not a good reason not to. Do you see the value in it? Really wise people see it. The foolish pass it by. I hope you will embrace His perfect will for your life. Your future can be in His hands. It’s a great place to be!” KF

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