The One

By Ken Fletcher

“He is our Savior! He is our champion! He is our redeemer! Our peace! He is our healer! He overcame death! He reins with Father in heaven now! Above all!

We are in Him now since we believed. Who is He? The only One in heaven with a flesh and bone body–with nail scars in His hands and feet. The One who ever lives to make intercession for us with the Father! The One who we are joined with through the Holy Spirit!

The One we are one with! In His body! Who lives in our souls! Yes, there is only One! It’s Him! The One who leads our steps every day! Yours and my Lord, Jesus, the prince of everlasting life and peace with God our Father.

Do you know this man, Jesus, my friend? He actually bled and died for you on the cross. But, more than that, He was raised from the dead for you. So that you and I would not be condemned but that we could have His eternal life.

It means everything to know Jesus. Through faith in what God did through Jesus, receive Him in your life now! Confess Jesus is your Lord. Tell somebody about it. Get into the Word, the Bible. Start in Matthew and read about Jesus. Communicate with Him. You may call it prayer. Learn about Him. Your life will never be the same. You and Jesus are together now!” KF

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