The Most Exciting Way

By Ken Fletcher

“The life of faith is a life of certainty. Not wishing and hoping. Our faith is based upon what God has said. Our faith in Him comes from what He has told us to believe.–What He has set forth and made known unto us.

We stand solidly upon this rock of His Word that cannot be moved. Circumstances that are contrary must bow to the Word when a believer becomes one with it. We can have all He has shown that He has given us. We hear it and find out about it. Then, we can believe it and act on it for ourselves.

How will the Word work for us? Through faith we unlock all that He has done into our lives. The faith that we receive is His faith in-planted in His word. We can believe BECAUSE He told us what to believe.

What a joy to see our faith come into view in the natural. When we can see the results of our believing! That is awesome! But, we can’t give up our believing–don’t cast away your confidence in the Word! If we won’t move off of faith in the Word, and we know that the Word will not change, we will see it come to pass in our lives.

We all have missed it in this area. But, if we can change where we missed it, or misunderstood it, or how we gave up on it really happening in our lives, we can see more faith successes in our lives. Well, lets shoot for the sun. Maybe we won’t get all the way there. Maybe only to the moon. But, look how far we came by shooting for higher!

Wonder how far we would have come if we did not shoot for anything? Well, we both know the answer. Not very far.

Lets stir ourselves up in the most exciting way to live–the life of faith in God. There is nothing that is cooler! Nothing more exciting! To see Jesus move in the natural realm where we are living now. This is what He wants for us!

What an amazing thing to walk by faith in what Jesus says! He leads us in green pastures of wellness and abundance. Every time! He leads us by the still waters. Waters of peace and tranquility. In this life! Yes. Amen! He restores our souls in the midst of trouble on our right and left. His are right ways! His are the best for us personally and for others who we come into contact with. I want you to know. The LORD is MY shepherd. I shall not want. What about you? Who are you following?” KF

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