The Main Question

By Ken Fletcher

“The believers connection to God is constant and always the same every day through the Holy Spirit. Why aren’t more believers hearing from God consistently?

One reason among several reasons is there’s too much interference from the natural realm. Too much attention to the things of this present world. If you don’t think I battle this in my own life you are mistaken!

If you and I are people of faith, we are committed to moving with Jesus and hearing from Him–living by faith in what He says. If we put too much attention on the natural things of life, we can find ourselves without leadership. Because we are not listening to Jesus inside!

We only want to go in His direction every day. But, if we’re not hearing Him because our attention is on other things, we may miss out on His best for us. Jesus does not want that and neither do we. But, many times, that is what happens. We end up settling for something less than what He wanted for us.

Well, I want to guard against anything that would mess up my hearing Jesus correctly about the things of life. THAT is what is important. Much more important than anything out here in the natural realm. So, since that is true, we must put things in order in our lives. We must keep our priorities right. The main question remains the same today and every day. That question is: Jesus, do you have everything of me?” KF

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