The Great Exchange

By Ken Fletcher July 18, 2023

“The following scripture is one of the most amazing statements in the Bible: 2 Corinthians 5:21, “For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” For he (God the Father), made him (Jesus) to be sin, who knew no sin, that we (the sinful ones), might be MADE the righteousness (the right standing) of God in him (us, the new creation in Jesus). What an absolutely amazing truth to think about. The great exchange! Praise God! This new creation of God in Christ is as righteous as Jesus is. That’s you and I. With no fear, shame, guilt, no intimidation, inferiority, or any other thing, that would keep us from being able to approach God. We can go to Father anytime. And, we should! Often. You know, just to hang out and enjoy our Father. Not just approaching the Throne in a time of crises or need. But, deliberately intentional to just converse and express our love for Him. Being thankful for all He has done. How is this even possible for us to be able to do in the presence of the Almighty? Jesus! What He did. Our faith in Him. Father sees us this new creation in Jesus. We need to see ourselves that way too! Because, that’s the way it really is with God! And, if that’s the way it is with God, that’s THE way it is!” KF

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