The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

By Ken Fletcher

“Believer, why is your life so messed up? Do you really want to know?

It’s not the devil’s fault. So, quit blaming him. It’s not God’s fault. So, don’t try and blame Him. It’s not the other person’s fault. So, don’t you blame them either. Yep! Guess who?

So, put the responsibility where it should be. The reason your life is so messed up is because you did not listen to Jesus and went your own way. That’s why! So, realizing where you are and why, it’s a good time to make some real adjustments in your life.

Since you’ve done such a fantastic job of messing your own life up, why don’t you consider turning it all over to Jesus? And, commit yourself to following Him from now on. That, my friend, is a decision that will change your life. If you are seriously committed to doing it every day.

I promise you, Jesus WILL bring you out! If you give it all to Him. He will show you how. He will show you the way. He is only after your best. He really is. Do you believe that? If you really do believe that Jesus is only after your best, then why don’t you trust Him with all your life? The whole thing. The good, bad, and the ugly.

He will take your situation and begin to turn it around. Problem is, with many, they end up taking back their life from His control. Don’t let that happen to you. Because when Jesus really has control of your life, He will lead you in ways of blessing. Of healing. Of prosperity. Of peace. Of purpose. Yes, He will. Don’t you doubt it.

The question then becomes, what will really happen for you? Will you really turn it all over to Jesus and keep it there? Or, will you decide to keep doing things your own way? It’s up to you. It’s your will. Jesus will not touch it.

So, willingly, we give ourselves to Jesus. And, willingly, we keep ourselves there. By faith and trust in Him. There is no better way to live than to live by faith in Jesus. When our lives are truly all His to direct, we can expect amazing things to begin happening.

It is my prayer that you will experience these amazing things that Jesus wants to do in your life. That you will really give Him everything. And, keep it there!” KF

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