The Future Is In Jesus

By Ken Fletcher

“There’s the people that say they know Jesus. Then, there’s the ones who really do. What does it matter what another claims? What matters is your own relationship with Jesus. Do you really know Him?

Well, I can say that I know Him better than I did before. It’s progressive. One thing for sure, the more you know Him, the more you trust Him. The more sure you are about what He is speaking to you. The more you act upon His direction.

What is happening is there is too much self will going on in us. If we really want to know Jesus, we will seek Him on things touching our lives. Do we want to do it our way? Do we go forward withoutt His leadership? Does it matter to us what He wants for us?

Well, I hope you will seek Him. The truth is in Jesus! The future is in Jesus. I want to put my full trust in Him. I really want to know Jesus. Better. Deeper. More complete.

Our union together with Jesus means we can receive more. Everyday! And, as we go along, we hear people talk about Jesus. But, do they really know Him? Well, you can tell after a while by just listening to what they say. I hope you are seeking Jesus in your heart. When it comes to Jesus, we want more in 2024!” KF

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