By Ken Fletcher

“Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.”  Mark 11:24

In this article, I am moved to talk about one of the most exciting revelations that I have been privileged to receive form God’s Word. I am so thrilled to have the opportunity to communicate to you these extremely vital truths about receiving from God through faith. So many precious believers are needlessly doing without what God has provided for them. I believe after you read this teaching, your faith in God will leap to new heights. As you read, I believe that the anointing of the Holy Spirit will illuminate your understanding. He will cause the light and truth of God’s Word to shine brightly in your spirit! Amen! Hallelujah!

The longer I live, the more I realize that the subject of faith in God’s Word cannot be over-emphasized. It cannot be preached and taught too much! Why? Because this present evil world is filled with doubt and unbelief. Living in this world that’s full of lies, negativism, and oppression, Christians must be constantly encouraged, inspired, and built up in the area of faith. It is the joyful privilege of this ministry to communicate the positive, life-changing message of faith to people. We know it is faith in God’s Word that brings the victory! Praise Jesus forever!

What does “Faith Transaction” mean? I wanted to find out how the word “transaction” was defined, so I looked it up in Webster’s Dictionary. The word “transaction” is, of course, a composite of two words; trans and action. “Trans” is a Latin word that means: “Across, beyond, and through, so as to change.” “Action” is defined as: “The product and expression of exerted force; the bringing about of an alteration by force or through a natural agency.”

When we put these two word definitions together it comes out like this: “To go across and through to change something, and to bring an alteration by exerted force through a natural agency.” In our study today, we are not talking about a natural agency, but about the spiritual agency of faith. So, let us now define a faith transaction: “To approach God by prayer, in order to reach across and through to change something, and bring about an alteration through the spiritual agency of the exerted force of faith.” Faith is a powerful spiritual force that causes action!

Let’s now read from our main text: “Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.” Here, in Mark 11:24, Jesus is teaching us how to make a faith transaction.

Notice, first of all, Jesus said that this is about what YOU DESIRE. Now, listen closely to this next statement: God IS VERY INTERESTED in fulfilling your desires or He would not have told you to pray for them! Isn’t that exciting! That is a real faith boost, isn’t it! Yes, it is a fact. God wants to give to you those things that you desire! Praise God!

Now, Jesus goes on to say, when you pray for those things you desire – believe that you receive them. When do you believe that you receive them? When you pray! Someone is asking, how does one believe that he receives something that he cannot see or touch? We simply believe we receive based upon what God has said in His Word. “….when ye pray, believe that ye receive them…” You are making a faith transaction, dear friend! Through faith, as you pray, you are believing that you are receiving your desire from God – right then.

As you stand before His throne in prayer, by faith, you reach out and take from God. There is a transaction made from you to God, and from God to you! As you pray, YOUR FAITH is what you give to God as your part of the transaction! Your desire (that you are praying about) is what God gives to you as His part of the transaction. Can you see that? I’m glad this is so simple! It is designed this way so everyone who believes can receive what they desire from God. Hallelujah!

It is important for you to realize that you are not trying to persuade God into the notion of giving you what you came for. It has already been paid for in full, and it is waiting for you in the heavenly realm. He wants you to come to Him and request it! Remember, this is His Word we are reading from. He said to come!

Now dear friend, there is no use in approaching the Throne asking apart from God’s will. You would be wasting your time and God would not hear you. “And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: 1 John 5:14  You can, however, ask ANYTHING according to His will, and HE WILL HEAR YOU!

I believe it is here that many miss it: They have not spent enough time in God’s Word BEFORE they pray! So, it is not really settled in their spirit. Brother F.F. Bosworth, author of the book Christ The Healer, said: “One cannot believe beyond the known will of God.” GOD’S WORD IS GOD’S WILL! If you want to find out what God’s will is on something, go to His Word. Study and meditate in His Word. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you into the truth, and He will!

It is imperative that you spend as much time as necessary to get the Word (that you are basing your prayer upon) solidly inside of your heart before you pray. Even if you can quote them verbatim, whenever possible, it is good to take the necessary time needed to study and meditate on the scriptures that deal with your situation. When you are FULLY PERSUADED, and full of the Word, it is time to pray and release your faith.

It is vital that you understand that this faith transaction all takes place WHEN YOU PRAY, not later. You are not praying and wishing! You are praying believing! You are fully persuaded! You are basing your prayer upon the will of God; His Word. It is solid! There is no doubt now! He will give it to you when you ask. You know it!

1 John 5:14-15 says: “And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.”

Notice the phrase: “….whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.” When will you have it? When you ask! Lets look at Mark 11:24 again: “…when you pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.”

This is how God sees your faith transaction: He sees you believing you receive what you desire, and as far as He is concerned YOU HAVE THEM! You’re not trying to get them. You’re not wishing that someday it would happen. You have them NOW by faith! You have made a real transaction, in the spirit, based upon the eternal Word of the living God. This “faith transaction” is more real and more binding than any transaction in the natural because it is based upon something that cannot fail; God’s Word!

Dear friend, if you make a faith transaction with God, you will walk away from the throne with your desire in your hand. YOU WILL HAVE IT! Of course, you cannot see it in the natural yet. If you could, there would be no reason to believe. YOU HAVE IT BY FAITH, and YOU KEEP IT BY FAITH, until it manifests in the natural realm. Soon, when it manifests in the natural, there will be no more need to believe–You will see or feel it.

Whatever God has promised you in His Word is yours to receive. Salvation, the in-filling of the Holy Ghost, divine healing, prosperity, peace, wisdom, understanding, guidance, strength, and thousands of other wonderful promises and benefits are yours NOW! Decide today to get into the Word concerning what you desire. Prepare to go boldly before the throne of grace to obtain what you want from God. Then approach your heavenly Father with His Word. The Father wants you to come boldly to His Throne to obtain your desire. He is a God who happily responds to our faith in Him and His Word. He is a good, good Father who loves His children. So, get ready to make your Faith Transaction with Him today.

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