The Divide

By Ken Fletcher

“Can we be in unity with people who believe we should be like they are? With evil manipulated motives? No! We can’t! We are in unity with God–our eyes on Jesus. Since we are, where does that put them? Somewhere else we don’t want to be part of.

What they do is their business before God. But, it affects us and our future generations! The amount of people who do not want God in our land is growing. So, more and more, the evil increases in America. The deception is growing greater.

Actually, the light of truth is getting brighter as the darkness increases. 2 things happening at the same time! So, the divide between becomes more defined and pronounced as time goes along. Where does it all end? Well, read your Bible. It tells you where things are going on earth.

Real believers are in for persecution in the future. We’ve already seen it in all kinds of ways in this land in recent years. You think they will pull back in the future? Better wise up. They aren’t and they won’t.

The destructive momentum will increase–UNLESS there is a great revival that changes the hearts of those who are God’s enemies. From His part, God is not their enemy! They have placed THEMSELVES against Him! They want to eradicate Jesus from our society and control how things go in our country.–In completely another direction than what our country is founded upon!

Is there any way we believers can agree with their mindset? More and more there are fewer and fewer places we can agree as countrymen. Their hatred of believers and what we believe is evident in what their whole direction is about! They want it their way! And, it’s also evident that they will do ANYTHING to accomplish their Godless society.

They hate believers. They hate the Bible. They love the evil they are doing. And, now days they are digging in deeper–pulling out the stops and restraints now! It is becoming full on now! It’s about obtaining more power and control so they can change things the way they want.

What is really behind it all? It is the deception of satan!–The spirit that is working in the children of disobedience! It is the spirit that is against our Lord! It is the spirit of anti-Christ!

Can we compromise on things with them? Sometimes, there is no way we can. Because it is so wrong what they want! There is the divide! There is the separation of directions that are now more pronounced than before.

Much is now out in the open. The working of the illuminate–the one-worlders with huge amounts of money, power, and influence that infiltrate businesses, governments, corporations, and entertainment–who want to control the people of the world–who want to shape things the way they see it–the very few rule over the population of the world. Privileged. Entitled. Better, smarter, than everyone else. They think it belongs to them–apart from God’s will for people.

They are in possession of huge amounts of wealth! And, wealth means influence and power in this world system. They are presently in control of most banking & most all main stream media among many other things. They finance wars on both sides to profit their own agenda. Getting more control. Pushing and manipulating the world into more of their control over it. They are all out in the open now!

For many years it was a secret organization with the same goals. Now, it is obviously all out in the open about them. They do not seem to care now about being secret anymore. They are pulling out the restraints to accomplish their evil goals in our country and in the world.

The illuminate’s top people are satan worshipers. It is these powerful, almost unbelievably wealthy, men and women who are in direct contact with satan’s top demons. These top general demons tell the illuminate top leaders in detail what to do.–transferring what satan’s will is for them to do on the earth!

The illuminate’s top people are extremely afraid of the power of the demons–what they can do to them if they were to disobey satan’s will. And, in truth, it would not be pretty what would happen to them if they failed to carry out his commands in full. So, it’s safe to say that they do his will completely. Or they will be replaced with those who will do it completely. That’s the way it is with them.

What is standing in their way on earth? The Holy Spirit of God & Believers! We are the ones who have Jesus! And, spiritually, satan’s demons cannot stand toe to toe with us who are the Lord’s. It doesn’t matter how many or how big they puff themselves up to be. We have Jesus, who totally whipped satan and all of his demons. That same power is in every believer that belongs to Jesus!

The resurrection of Jesus from the dead is proof of His total victory over all the powers of the devil. Complete and total victory is what we have! It’s people’s own will that satan and the demons are using. They are his patsys. To do his will on the earth. That is, until they perceive the truth of what is really going on with them! Even those who actually worship satan–these that are filled with demonic power, can be completely free through Jesus. Praise God!

Some people never will, though. They don’t want to. So, the divide exists between darkness and light. The light being the truth of God’s Word and the darkness being deception against the truth of the Word. It is sad to behold in our land–what it has become. I don’t recognize it anymore from what I grew up in. It is a totally different land now. The darkness is trying to dominate the light!

The absence of light is what we are seeing in people’s lives. Which means for them there is a lack of real understanding of truth. Many of them want it that way! Is there going to be agreement with light and darkness? No. Because when people get into light, it dispels the darkness and they can see what is really happening.

But, until they do, they are living in deception from the enemy–agreeing with him. Unconsciously doing his will in their lives–oblivious to the destruction that is coming to them. That is what is happening here.

Can we agree with them? Will we ever find unity with them–our fellow countrymen? Well, if they insist on things being their way–and they do, well, it would mean that we would have to agree with their stance against God along with them. Which we cannot do! But, that is the push now!

I have never seen such hatred against believers and what they believe before in my lifetime. The recent assassination attempt of many believer’s favorite political Presidential candidate is only the most recent example of what is in the air.–It’s how they really feel. They are trying to eliminate any possibility, in any way, from God being God over America. They do not think He should have anything to do with our country. That is what’s at the bottom of all of this!

Folks, the truth is, we desperately need God! We need His wisdom to guide us forward in this nation! We need light to rule in our land! It is interesting that now many people are calling evil good, and good evil. It is their own perspective that is tainted to the truth. They don’t even perceive what is true anymore!

So, in their lives, they are in darkness of reality! And, they don’t even know they are way off of what is true anymore! So sad to see this in people. But, look, the enemy has been successful to get them believing untruths through the controls of the media, their own selfish desires, and demons actively influencing them and others like them.

So, this is where we are now. Such a sad thing to see happening in America. Truly, our only hope as a nation is Jesus. Our eyes must be on Him now more than ever!

I am so glad that my expectation is not from this world! My expectation is on Jesus who will lead me everyday through this matrix of a mess. And, after I complete what He wants with me here, He will lead me safely home to our Kingdom where the will of God is totally done all the time! Boy, am I looking forward to that day! But, until then, there is much to do for the Kingdom and people.

I hope that those who need Jesus are getting a reality awakening as they read this article. I hope they will realize how duped they have been to the defeated evil spirit named satan and his demons.

Awaken to the truth, dear one! Though maybe unconsciously, see what evil you have been in agreement and allied with! Do you really want to be there? Recognize you have been moving against God. Stop! Turn against the demons who are influencing you! Receive God’s light. Receive Jesus as your own. Get into the REAL of things with Jesus! Leave all the darkness and deception behind!” With love, KF

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