The Breakdown

By Ken Fletcher

“My father in the faith, Kenneth E. Hagin, used to say that there is a God-ward side and a man-ward side to everything. He taught us what God has provided through grace we must obtain by faith.

Many years ago, I did not understand this truth much at all. As time has progressed I have seen how what brother Hagin said so many years ago is true. It really answers a lot of questions pertaining to our receiving from God.

For instance, why aren’t we experiencing healing? Do we know what God has done? Are we certain? Without doubt? The problem is not that God does not want you to have it. Of course He does! He has already done it! Completely! Paid for in full!

What God has provided by grace we must obtain by faith. Well, we know that God did not mess up His part. So, that leaves only one who can mess up His will for us. That is me! But, we can believe! We can saturate ourselves with His truth and, through faith in His word, we can receive! I believe it more now than ever!

There is nothing impossible to our God. And, because of that, there is nothing impossible to us who believe! I have come this far by faith in Him. I want to make sure that I follow His leadership the best that I can. I am so thankful for our relationship together.

When coming against adverse circumstances, we must remember to stay full of the truth. Running doubt out! Keeping our trust in the Lord. Casting all of our care and anxiety upon Him. Keeping our focus upon the One who will lead us in the best way for us every time!

What exactly IS His will for you? Do you know what Jesus has done? What the Lord has done changes everything for us as humans! To those who have received Him as Lord know that He is good. And, always wants good for us all. He has already provided it for us to live in.

We must learn to receive His will by faith. Doing what He told us to do. And, we will see the completion of His best for us. What a wonderful Father who has done this for us. We can believe Him! We have a choice!

We are together with Him! Many times, I realize how immature I am before the Lord. Though we are joint-heirs together with Jesus, we know so little. Like little babies learning to walk. That is where we really are in a lot of things. That is where our understanding is in a lot of things too. Small, small children. That is what we are!

But, we’re growing up in our understanding everyday! We’re growing in our faith and trust in Jesus all the time! Do we still miss it? Sure! But, do we quit because we missed it? No! Never! We get up and go again in faith! How can we loose? We’ve got Jesus to help us as we learn to walk! It’s fun!

Ever see how the little ones giggle with joy as they first realize that they can walk? How fun is that? Pretty fun! Well, that is where we are with the Lord! So, let’s have fun with whatever stage we are in before Jesus! Enjoy who you and Jesus are together! It certainly is a growth of understanding.

To realize in actuality the will of God in our lives. Miracles happen! Impossible things happen! Healing happens. When we learn how to connect our faith with God’s provision, things begin to change! It’s not God who does any changing. It’s us learning to believe and receive what He has already done.

The breakdown is in our believing, not in God’s will. His will is constant for everyone all the time! So, if things are not lining up in your life according to the will of God, you need faith my friend! Remember what brother Bosworth said, “Faith begins where the will of God is known”. When you have faith, you can receive from God who has already provided everything He has said in His Word.

You have the capacity to connect through faith in His truth. You can receive God’s wonderful will in your life. The only limitation is our faith, dear friend. When, we can hear from God, we can believe and act upon it.

It is wonderful to experience His amazing will in our lives. It is not difficult to receive from God when you are in faith. When you believe, when you have heard from God about it, you can know what to do in faith!

God wants you to have His provided blessings in your life. Of course He does! He paid a dear price for us all to have it all. So, lets get serious about the breakdown of our own believing! Lets get real and dig into His word concerning our case. Lets get full of His truth. And, get ourselves into real faith in God!

We can! We should! Why not? We can have it God’s way instead of what the devil says we must settle for! What is stopping it? Our faith! Our believing what God has said His will is! It’s never too late to change and get ourselves into faith. I don’t care if you’ve known Jesus for 75 years, you can get yourself into faith! Jesus is the same! He will never change! We are in Christ!

We can believe and receive because of what Jesus has done! There’s a God-ward side and a man-ward side to everything! What God has provided through His grace we must obtain by faith! Faith begins where the will of God is known! Whatever you’re dealing with tonight, God can change it. But, He needs something from you. Your faith!” KF

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