The Blindness

By Ken Fletcher

“People spend lots of time developing their body. People spend lots of time developing their intellect. But, how many people spend time developing their faith inside their spirit? I’m reminded of just how strong the control of the flesh is on our total being. That part of our being should not be the part that’s in control. 

Our soul (the spirit part of our being) should be in control. More precisely, our will inside of our soul.  Most don’t realize just how controlled they really are by the body. They have become accustomed to it running them. What it wants, etc. All the time. This is what most are seeing inside: What body wants and what mind wants. Not realizing they ARE a spirit being first and foremost. They should be receiving information from God through the Holy Spirit. They ARE in contact with the spirit realm all the time. But, they are so overwhelmed by the fallen natural realm and the fallen state of their body in connection with the fallen realm, that they are, many times, completely in the dark about where they really are with God. It’s a terrible thing. The blindness. 

You have heard how I refer to the fallen world system as the matrix. You have to watch the 1999 Hollywood movie, The Matrix, to understand where I’m coming from. If you have seen it, you have to watch again with spiritual eyes. Allow the Lord to reveal reality of our present world in comparison to the movie. Not exactly the same, but it is a very similar visual aide to us who know what reality is. Listen, on the movie, things are bad for humanity in general. It was supposed to scare folks. But, in reality, in this present world system, it IS much worse. And, people are blind to it all. They are too dazzled by the natural realm. They are too body controlled. Too mind controlled. And, blind as a bat to their spirit and to the real parent realm in which they also live. 

How can they become aware? 2 primary things. Bible study and seeking Jesus in prayer. Sincerely and honesty from the heart in front of the Lord. Truly seeking Jesus, truly studying your Bible, you will find truth. You will know who you are and your relationship to God through Jesus. The blindness will begin to roll back. And, you will perceive yourself as you are in front of God. Not only that, but you’ll see what is really going on behind the scenes down here on earth in our lifetime. You will begin to perceive yourself AS a spirit with a body. And, you will begin to control the fallen body you are walking around in all day and night. And, you’ll begin to understand and run your being with your soul (which is spirit). 

I see people every day who are wonderful people with wonderful gifts and talents. But, many are blind as a bat to where they really are. How can intelligent purposeful people be so unaware of who they are? Of where they are with God? Why? It’s because of the blindness resulting from the fall of Adam, our natural father, giving this realm to an evil fallen angel in the beginning. We became slaves to satan. Slaves to the natural realm. That is what we’re looking at here folks. That’s where all the crap came from. All the sickness, viruses, evil bacteria, calamities, violence, and evil of all kinds came from. That is where it all radiated from. This is not the way God created this earth and natural realm. It was quite literally, perfect, before Adam did what he did. And we pop in here later thinking this is all normal. Deceived right at the start as babies.  

So, the blindness came upon ALL of Adam’s descendants. Us. The enemy of God and man is running the matrix (the world system) through his top demons. Who run it through powerful men and women. With huge amounts of money, power and influence. To control the people of the earth for their own purposes, is their plan. It’s happening. Now! Why? Because of the blindness! Lies are believed. Lies upon lies. This realm, where truth is now obscured. 

Some people don’t care about truth anymore. They just care about themselves. They don’t care how they get the power. As long as they get it and retain it. Can good things result from such a place? Will justice and truth prevail in such an evil place? Will reality ever be perceived?

As I’m older now and have seen more than the younger ones, I can see the deterioration of the world better. Even in the advancement of technology, where some things are better all the time, at the same time, I can see the control increasing–the evil increasing. Events in the world scope are changing rapidly to bring about satan’s plan. He is desperate! He is really scared and fearful. He knows his time is short before the angel with the chain comes. So, he is deceiving more and more in these days on earth. Seems to me like it’s much more rapid now.  

I’m trying to wake folks up to the truth. If I can just get people hooked up to Jesus. He will lead them into His best. He will show them the truth. He will show them reality! That is what I wish for you, dear reader. That you will see! That you will understand. That you know Jesus!” KF   

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