The Bible. Believe It Or Not

By Ken Fletcher

“We live in a society that does not believe the Bible is the Word of God. That it was inspired by the Holy Spirit through men who were moved by God to speak His Word. There is much to discover in God’s Word.

But, always remember, He is not limited to the Bible. He is unlimited! In reality, He is much more than what we know from scripture. The record has been left for us. Everything necessary for us to believe is covered in His Word. The whys and where-fors. Thank God for the Bible! Thank God for truth!

I am a believer in the revelation of Jesus, the Son of God. Who was sent by the Father to redeem you and I. He redeemed us, bought us back, from our lost condition apart from His life. Through faith in His abundant grace toward us, He brought us into one-ness with God!–Through Jesus’ redemptive sacrifice on the cross.

But, is God greater than what we read? Much! And, through faith, we are one with Him! He and His Word are one. What He says, He has done. He speaks as things exist before they do. Then, they are. We are His children. Are we learning anything? Are we doing it like Daddy does?

Are we going to stand with the Bible as truth, or are we going to cave to the unbelief of this present world?

Well, I’m too far gone to believe anything else. I’ve proved it true in my life too many times. The whole world can believe something else, but I know better. And, nobody can tell me different. I have seen miracles because of my faith in God’s written Word, the Bible.

So, whatever you may be believing other than Jesus, you better take a real hard look at it. Be open to the truth. Do not resist Him. If you are sincerely seeking the truth, He will guide you into it faithfully. He sees your heart and knows the real deal about you. If the whole world does not believe, where will you stand?” KF

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