The Best With Jesus

By Ken Fletcher

“It’s the fallen natural realm that’s on people’s minds today. This natural realm that has falseness running through it all the time. Where lies are believed everyday. Where calamities of all kinds are happening. The place where death is normal. Where it’s normal to be sick or diseased.

Now, in my life, some of my friends are passing away–out of here and on to the spirit realm. What was down here, is no more for them. Good and bad. But, they are there! Some of them, what we knew together was temporary! It was NOT the most important thing–this present life! The most important thing is understanding that we are eternal souls in these temporary fallen bodies.

What is to come is affected by what we do here and now in this life. Do people see it that way? Unfortunately, no. People are distracted big time with this temporary world. With their eyes on stuff that will pass away and will mean little or nothing later!

Much of their lives are essentially wasted. They don’t see the value of living life Spirit led. Using each moment possible to be a blessing to people while we are here. The greatest blessing we can be involved with is simply following Jesus all day and night. He leads us into His best.–For now in this life AND later!

What’s on your mind today, dear friend? What IS really important to you? Check and see if it is temporary. If you should be spending so much time on it? Maybe it’s okay, but maybe it has too much importance placed upon it. These things are very personal between you and Jesus. There is no condemnation with Him. So, even if you have missed it in this area for a long time, and you are now seeing the adjustment you need to make before the Lord, He just wants the best for you always.

He wants to flow through you and the 2 of you together help people.–Which makes a difference in their lives–which effects their eternity–and yours. There is nothing better in this life than working with Jesus! I assure you!

But, some will not experience what that is like. They are too selfishly motivated. They have their own agendas. The way they want to do things. Their goals. What they want. And, Jesus will not interfere. He knows that they have a will of their own and can do whatever they want to do.

But, in reality, what have THEY given up because of that? That is the question. And only Jesus knows the true answer. I have realized that the best thing I can do is give my will to Jesus to guide and take care of all I am. Then, I know He has it all. And, I can really come into His best for me and those I come in contact with in my life. I get to see miracles because of this. And, you too! There is nothing better.

What about the people we come in contact with? What is better for us to do for them than this? There is nothing better than Jesus! To give them Jesus is the best. It is a privilege! It is an honor! It is US–Jesus and me! Jesus AND you! Working together! Everyday!

Well, folks can keep their attention on things that do not matter if they want. Been there, done that. Now, I want the REAL and everlasting with Jesus! Reader, I hope you do too!” KF

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