The Belief Of Truth And Reality

By Ken Fletcher

“Since many people don’t believe in the Bible. They are swimming around in falseness.–without a proper foundation of understanding reality! God calls all of this fallen! Completely out of whack of His perfect and timeless design.

Many people are separated from God. Do they realize it? Do they care? God does! And He sent Jesus for us! But, if they don’t believe the Bible, they are thinking all of this is normal.–All the death, sickness and disease and poverty–all the mess that was the result of the law of sin and death entering this realm so many years ago in the beginning! But, do people realize where they are with God?

The deception is so thick that they cannot perceive what is really going on! Through the Bible, we can see reality. We can understand what God has done about all of this mess! We can receive faith in God through His Word. Saving faith in His grace towards us!

But, people believe all kinds of other stuff. Stuff that is not true! Stuff filled with falseness and unbelief of the truth. Many times, it is because THEY want to believe it. Even though it has no basis of reality! Deception! Untruths! Partial truths! Tinted and manipulated in the direction of lies!

Why? Because of mankind’s departure and separation from God! We learn the truth because God gave us the truth in the midst of deception! Who had the truth in the Old Testament? The Hebrews had the truth! The old covenant or testament exists because of a covenant or promise or agreement God made with Abraham.

Did the rest of the world have a covenant? No. Not with God! And, it is obvious in what we see that happened in the rest of the world. Idol worship was popular in the world.–Of one god or another. Looking like birds or snakes or whatever. Demonic spirits were allowed to manifest with the power they still retained.

Others worshiped the sun and moon, or tress, and other stuff that they came up with. And, we can see that these various religions were demonically inspired. So, now, there was even more deception and lies as we see through the Bible.

So, because of the covenant with Abraham, God revealed the truth. What was God’s plan in doing this through His covenant with Abraham? His plan was to bring Jesus into the earth through this covenant with Abraham! Then, when Jesus came and redeemed us, God opened it all up to the world–this His new covenant with Jesus.

Now we, who were gentiles separated from God, can enter in freely by God’s amazing grace through faith or believing the truth of Jesus! This is the truth and reality. Does the world in general perceive this truth? No. Unfortunately, they are believing other things and NOT the truth or foundation of the Bible! Other things!

The demons do not care what you believe. AS LONG AS you don’t believe the Bible! Why? Because understanding the Bible means you know about them! And, you know what they are doing! So, they push and constantly deceive and keep folks in deception–with anything!

Through every medium and media outlet. It does not matter! AS LONG AS you don’t believe the truth! Can you see that? The Bible correlates with the Spirit of God (Who is on the earth right now). He verifies and testifies to the truth of God’s Word.

Does the world recognize Him? Do they know Him? No. Only those who are His know Him! So sad! Though He is doing things for them and they are experiencing good things in their life, they do not know the Giver of all good things, our Father!

How do we know Him? We must believe the truth and revelation He has given to us. WE CAN know God! We can really have a relationship with the Creator of all things. Who IS perfect! Who IS love! Who loves us! Who loves us so much that He gave us His only Son, Jesus. And we all should know the truth of what happened to Jesus and why! What happened on earth because He came!

Jesus changed everything for the believer! And, now because we are in Christ, we have dominion over all demons in Jesus Name! Now, we take dominion over our enemy and do what Jesus leads us to do! They had better stay out of our way or they will get dealt with by us who know!

The deception IS that the very enemy of God and man is manipulating mankind towards destruction, and they do not even perceive it! They have believed lies! They have embraced lies! And, do not even know what is REALLY going on!

The demons have them right where they want them! That is until the light of truth comes to them! Then, they have an opportunity to go to the light. And, receive Jesus. And become one with God! Leaving the lies and darkness behind! The truth, folks! They must see the light of truth!

The Holy Spirit is always searching the hearts of people to see if there is a spark of belief in the truth. To lead them to the Light. Out of the deception and into reality!

What IS the Bible to us? That IS the question! If you’re an unbeliever, that means you are not perceiving the way things really are! You are believing something else–but not the truth. But, the deception and lies are true to you! But, friend, your perceptions are being manipulated! Do you realize that?

You can only see the natural realm. But, you think this is all normal. This is what it is supposed to be. It is not the way it is supposed to be, dear one! God did not create things like this! Nor did He want mankind to be separated from Him! It is mankind’s will that separated them from Him!

They choose deception over the truth. And, this is what we’ve got now. A big hodge-podge of a mess. Hate, murder and violence of all kinds, thefts, scams, and all kinds of manifestations of evil. Why? Because mankind has embraced what the demons have promoted and manifested, and by doing so, willfully rejecting the truth of the Bible.

Now, we know that there are people that believe the Bible but misunderstand some things in it. Nevertheless, the truth that they retain, however small it is, still has brought them light. We have also seen how the devil has been involved in the church.

Religion is one of his favorite deceptions. Because he can deceive those who are seeking to be right with God. He can get them into trying to be right with God through the things they do. Or working to be right with God. All not the new covenant!

It is only through God’s grace through faith we become right with God! That is what the Bible documents. And, that is the way it really is! Regardless of what anyone in the world thinks about it! This is what God has said brings un into right-standing with Him. With No condemnation!

But, where do we understand this? The Bible! So, we are, in reality, what God has said in His Word we are. The world says a different thing. All philosophies are pretty much embraced in the world–saying it is diversity. But, Jesus is not a philosophy. He is not a religion. He did away with religion! He did away with falseness!

So, all the deception that exists in the world, He is not part of. And, they are not part of Him. Because they abide in the place darkness and untruth. Someday, it will all be done away with. God will deal with it all. So, what we are seeing now, with all of it’s evil, is very temporary. Falseness cannot stand in the light of reality of truth.

Real belief in the Bible means you have been exposed and have embrace the Bible as truth–the way it really is! So, those who have received the truth and responded to it are aware now of what is really going on!

A few years ago, the Lord gave us the visual aide of the 1999 Hollywood movie, The Matrix. He said that what we are seeing here on the earth is very similar to what was portrayed on the movie. Only much, much worse in reality! The reality of what is really going on is way beyond horror. The scope of the deception is vast.

The world is moving in the direction that the enemy wants it to go. The world media is pretty much under His control through about 5 corporations.–In obedience to the one-world bankers and what their agenda is. The one-world bankers and communists are pretty much in control over much of our country and other countries around the world. They want to destabilize our country and the world. Bringing chaos and destruction. They have done it before many times and they will in the future!

They love violence and murder. Especially wars. As the world and people fight, they move one against the other. Then, they swoop in for the reorganization to get more control over people than they had before.

You don’t think the demons are involved? I tell you they are involved directly and give orders to those at the top! They want more control over humanity! And, they do it through deception and lies! What is really going on? Just what the Bible says! And, what the Bible predicted would be happening on earth! Do you perceive it? Do you believe it? That is the important question here! What in the world really IS your foundation of truth? Humm…?” KF

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