Thanksgiving Perceives Reality

By Ken Fletcher

“Have you ever thought about the fact that thanksgiving makes you perceive better? Having a thankful heart causes us to see the real better. We appreciate what has come into our lives. We appreciate the giver more the more thankful we are. It seems humility is also related in true heartfelt thanksgiving. It is a heart full of appreciation of the gift and the giver of the gift.

Listen friend, if it is good in your life, it IS a gift of God. It originated from Him. All good things come from Him. Every one! So, if it is good in your life no matter what it is, it came from Father God!

Should we be real and understand that it really came from Him? We should give thanks and praise to Him for allowing us to experience His good in our lives. THAT is a good place to live, my friend. It brings us into the real of things! The way things really are!

If it’s good, it’s because of Him! Praise God! We need to quit all of this belly aching, and get into thanksgiving, and get ourselves into the place where we can see right! In Jesus Name!

I think thanksgiving is vital to perceive things correctly in context with where we are in reality. Where did the good come from? Him! Let’s not forget how good He is to us! Oh my, how good He is to us! Everyday! Every minute! For all the good He gives, are we thankful enough?” KF

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