Tear Down The Walls

By Ken Fletcher

“You don’t know who I’m talking about. Because, I’m not going to tell you. But, I have a dear brother in the Lord. We are thousands of miles apart in location. What he believes is much different than what I believe. I guess you could say, we’re miles apart on some things. But, we’re so together on some other things.

We love each other as brothers. We each know our Lord. We are both God’s sons. Yet, what he believes is not the way I understand things as true. Here’s the bottom line with us or with you. There is absolute truth in Jesus. Though there may be many believers who are not seeing things the way they really are, listen, we all will arrive there together! And, we will all see clearly all those areas of NOT seeing it the way it really is. I believe, we will all have to make some adjustments in our believing when we get home.

But, my friend and I, are mature enough in the Lord to not be intimidated by the other. We love each other as brothers should. Without regard to the differences. Without trying to adjust the other’s beliefs. Only sharing what the Lord has shown us personally. Who is really right? Him or I? The way he sees it or the way I see it? There doesn’t seem to be any middle ground in some of our views. Yet, is it REALLY THAT important? To bring a separation of fellowship between us? Absolutely not!

What is important with he and I is the truth that we love each other because we ARE brothers in the Lord. We share the same heritage. We have the same Kingdom with the Lord. We have the same Father who is God over all things. We share so much. And, I know, that I benefit greatly from our relationship. He sees and understands things I do not yet. I am not sure what I bring to the table for him, but, I think he understands where I’m coming from. We both are in different stages of growth with the Lord. Our understanding of things is different. But, does it matter? Naw! It sure does not. We just don’t care about that stuff. Why? Because it is not important in a brotherly relationship.

I believe that includes you too! Where are you at with your brother and sister? They see things different? They have a different understanding than you? What’s really important? It’s them! They are what’s important! And your relationship with them. Think of the things you may leave on the table not realizing the good things it will bring to your life. If you were not fellowshipping with them. These kind of things are things from the Lord! Through your brother and sister! Even though they see things different. Yep! You don’t want to let anything between you. Love should be what it’s all about between a brother and sister.

We all share as 1 body the goodness of God through Jesus. The overwhelming abundance of His grace and kindness to us all. We have much to praise God about, dear one. Can we tear down the walls that separate us with one another? And receive the love and benefit between us and the Lord. Allowing Him to speak to us through them? Well, lets not pass up any opportunity to bring unity to the body of Christ.

That is the way I see it. I think some are flat intimidated by the beliefs of others. If it’s different than theirs. Listen, when you’re solid with the Lord on things in faith, you are not intimidated by any other belief. You are not worried about it. You just stay open to the leading of the Lord in front of Him. Open to what He is saying to you personally. Why be intimidated by another’s belief? Let’s embrace one another with acceptance. If Father has accepted them through their faith in Jesus, then who are we to NOT accept them? Lets be good brothers and sisters to them. Well, this one has been pretty different. Hope it helps you, our brothers and sisters, to love one another as we should. Then, the world can see and understand clearer the goodness of God in our midst.” KF KenFletcher.org

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