Spiritual Focus

By Ken Fletcher

“Some people think they are really free when, in actuality, they are in bondage. Some people think they are really in bondage, but in actuality, they are free. What’s important in each case is the actual understanding of where they REALLY are. Not where they think they are. Listen, you had better go to the Lord to find out exactly where you are. It is important to get a proper view of ourselves. How we see ourselves is how we act and believe. What if what we see ourselves as is not really true. How would we know? I can say that many of us believers are not seeing ourselves right. And, that is the reason we get goofed up! That’s why we get off. Wrong self perception of who we are. What if we open ourselves up to the Lord for inspection. Humm? What if we allow Him to bring us into a place of greater understanding? Would it not change our perception? I promise you it would. Most don’t go there with the Lord. Too much self perception from the fallen natural realm understanding. Not near enough spiritual perception. It’s this way because of our focus. What are we focusing on? Once we adjust our focus on the Lord inside on a daily basis, He begins to open up what we are and what we have. It’s revelation of what is true about us–What’s always been true since we received Jesus. We just did not perceive ourselves right. We must look at ourselves in light of what God’s Word says we are and what we have. It’s huge! Mind blowing! Almost beyond comprehension. But, to really get hold of, and see more of, who we really are, it takes some growth of understanding. And, that may take some time. But, will we change our focus and study in order to understand more and perceive more of who and what we REALLY are?” KF

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