So Close Yet So Far Away

By Ken Fletcher

“Isaiah 53:5 “But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed.”

Jesus completely fulfilled these prophetic words. Spoken by God through Isaiah hundreds of years before Jesus’ arrival on earth. This verse describes the substitutionary work Jesus did on the cross, the whipping post, and the crown of thorns on His head.

Can you see it in the verse? What actually happened to Him? Why? Why did he go through it all? For us to receive His eternal life for our spirits, healing in our bodies, and peace in our souls. What a tremendous truth.

It’s faith in Jesus, what He did, that brings the victory. I talked to a man today who was in obvious terrible pain. He told me he had 2 back surgeries and 2 more coming. My heart went out to him. I wanted to pray for him and believe for a miracle. Jesus did too in me! I said something to the man about healing though faith and he shut me down and walked off. I thought to myself, how close he may have been to experiencing a miracle.

Later, thinking about it before the Lord, I thought, I wonder how many times that happened to Jesus while He was on the earth? Someone so close to the answer and yet so far away. Like in His home town. Where He could only do some very minor healings there. The Bible says that He “could not” do any mighty works there.

Unbelief is nasty stuff in you, in me, in anybody! It limits God in our lives. In all kinds of ways. Wonder what would have happened if that man today would have been open to my prayer and faith? I don’t know. But, it reminds me how important faith in God really is.

God is unlimited. His will is clearly detailed in the Bible. All that He has paid for us to have. We receive His provision by grace through faith. It’s the simplicity of our faith in Him and what He has done that causes things to flow into us and our lives.

Looking back over my life, I wonder how many times, in different areas, I was so close to a miracle. But, because of my unbelief, I walked away instead. You know, faith begins with a personal choice. To believe or not to believe, that is the question!

Where do we stand in these areas? Well, I want to stand with the Word. I want it to be so in my life. I want to realize the truth of what God has told me is mine in actuality. Here in this life and in the one to come. He has certainly paid for it all for us to live in down here on earth. We can receive it through faith.

So, if you find yourself deficient in faith in a certain area, why don’t you build yourself up in the truth of God’s Word concerning that area? Get the unbelief out. Fill up with the truth and be full of believing! We CAN change our believing!

If we are believing something that is not really God’s will, we can change it by ingesting the truth. And, staying on a steady diet of truth until the doubt is completely out! That is where it all begins, my friends.

Someone asks, why doesn’t God move in my life? My answer is, He already has moved! It’s done! The real question should be, why aren’t we believing and receiving what He has done? It’s us that needs to make the adjustments. Not the Lord.

So, I may be writing to a person who is so close to a miracle, and yet so far away. My friend, it’s the unbelief that is in between you and that miracle! Understanding unbelief in us and learning how to get it out is vital. Many churches teach unbelief. Not realizing it. Mixing it in with truth. People believe it. So, it ends up fouling up their faith.

The idea is to get the pure truth about God. About what He has done. About what He has made us in Christ. The truth about healing through faith. We need to know AND dwell on the truth all the time. Never swaying away from it. Keeping the pure truth as our bedrock that we build everything else on! That’s a good place to be.

Well, I hope this article has inspired you to locate where the problem is that’s keeping you out of God’s provision in your life. As always, I’m wishing you the best!” KF

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