Slimy Demons Influence

By Ken Fletcher

“There is a force, an underlying momentum, to the direction the world is going. It is the force of deception. If people could see the reality of the demon’s interaction with humans, they would change things immediately.

The problem is, people are flat blind to the working of the devils. So, with too much success, the demons work in the dark. Implanting their thoughts without too much resistance in most people. Because they use the fallen nature to get their will done on the earth.

Without the Lord, we are sure to be deceived. Before I came to Jesus, I did not realize that the devil was in reality controlling my life. I did not see it. I did not realize his involvement at all. But, he was! And, he was trying to take me into destruction!

I found out so many years ago that if someone was going to be in control of my life, I wanted it to be someone who loved me. Not hated me. Like the devil does. You know, most people do not really believe in his existence. So, that makes it good for him to have the advantage over us.

I have seen the proof of his existence too many times. Some things were pretty ugly. He is vicious. And, his hatred for humans is evident in everything he does. He is truly mankind’s enemy. But, do they treat him as such. No. Many times they cooperate with him.

Some people, even knowingly cooperate with him. How stupid can a person get? Once they figure out that he is all about their destruction, when they try an get out, they find themselves bound, and cannot get free. The only way they will be free is through Jesus. That is the reality of the situation. If they can get to Jesus, they can be free. And, Jesus is accessible to everybody through faith.

Why is the world racing at an unprecedented rate into more evil? What else can happen when the devil is allowed to roam freely and influence by deception? The light of the good news of Jesus is shining all over the world. But, are people responding to the truth? Yes. There are pockets of revival and people coming into the Kingdom all the time. But, the greater trend world-wide is more and more evil.

Even in my short lifespan I have seen things change so drastically. The only hope for mankind is Jesus. If we have Jesus, we can see what the enemy is really doing. And, we are not deceived like others because we know the truth. When a person knows the truth about the devil’s defeat by the Lord, and that the Lord has given His authority and victory to us, well, the devil is out of business in our lives.

What if the trend of the world would change to going God’s way? Is it possible? Yes! Jesus is available to everybody everywhere all the time! It could change! But, it is up to each of us individually to receive Him.

We must keep shining the light of the truth. So that more people can see what is going on here on earth. The deception is thick. The devils pour it on every day. The propaganda is pumping through every meadia outlet. Not to mention what the devils do in the dark speaking into people’s minds unhindered.

People are working with the devil and don’t even know it. They have this slimy purely evil demon talking to them to get them to do his will. And, they don’t even know it’s him. They think it is their own thought. Well, it’s no wonder we have all of this crime and hatred going on when people are yielding to the thoughts of the demons!

People go on through life not understanding the spiritual realm at all. Not really understanding who they are. Not understanding their enemy, the devils. So, they have no understanding about Jesus and what He has done about the devil for them.

Well, we want to stay free from any demonic influence and also help others to get free too! Do you recognize the working of the enemy in your life? Maybe you have yielded to him and did not realize it. But, thank God, with Jesus we can be free from the devil and live in victory over him all the time!” KF

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