
By Ken Fletcher

“Some people want to over-complicate the good news of Jesus. I have found out that anyone anywhere anytime can receive Jesus and His eternal life. Everything changes in a person when they do. Through faith, they are instantly connected to God the Father, the Holy Spirit and Jesus!

What does a person have to do to have eternal life in God? Listen to me, the Bible says that whoever calls on the Name of the Lord shall be saved! Anyone! That’s you. That’s me. Whoever! Have you called upon Him? Do you realize you are lost without God? Do you fear death and what comes after? We all need Jesus!

This is simple here! This is basic! No matter where you are in life. No matter what has happened to you. All the bad stuff. The evil stuff. The stuff you are ashamed about. It does not matter. All that stuff cannot keep you from the love of God. And, that love was expressed through the sacrifice of His very own Son! For you and me!

That is the deepest love we can know! Jesus died for sinners like you and me! I have said many times that before Jesus I was hell bound and in a hurry to get there! Only by His grace was I saved. Only by His grace do I live now. I live to tell this amazing message of good news to people like you.

Some of my good friends have now passed away. I am still here. I wonder sometimes how much time that I have to spread the good news of Jesus to people that I come into contact with? But, I believe I am gonna be here a good while yet. There is too much to do!

I hope that you are seeing the simplicity of Jesus. It is not hard to receive Him. You just have to want to in your heart and then confess Him as your Lord. From here on out live your life by His grace. Let Him lead you into good things and out of bad things. Simple.

Some folks think they have to clean themselves up before they can present themselves to the Lord. I’m so glad to tell you that He does not want any of that! He wants you just the way you are now. When you really receive Jesus, everything will be different inside. The old sin nature imbedded in our hearts is now gone.

We have a new heart (soul & spirit). We are no longer alone. We have the Holy Spirit who gives witness to our own spirit that we are now the children of God. We are connected! Simple! But, oh so powerful!

The work has already been done! Jesus completed it all. The everlasting covenant with God is made complete through Jesus. Our part is to believe the good news and confess it as so in our lives! We choose a side! We choose Jesus!

We choose the undisputed winner as Lord over our souls! Is living for Jesus complicated? No! Actually, it’s easier! The way of the sinner is hard, the Bible says. But, the Lord’s ways are pleasant ways always leading us upward with eternity in mind. It’s simpler to live for Jesus. There is peace there. There is love and fellowship with Jesus & the Father there!

The truth of the matter is anyone who wants God sincerely from their heart can have Him! God looks upon the heart and sees the truth of everything in minute detail in us! He understands us far better than we can imagine. Father is looking for sincere, honest, open to Him, hearts. He reads us far better than we realize.

Is there anything too hard for the Lord? Maybe you are reading this and you thinking about the huge problem that you are facing today. It looks impossible to you. Have you considered that it’s not too big for God? He is bigger! Greater! Many times we struggle when we should be yielding our lives to God.

Let Him have the problem. Let Him have our lives. Really trust Him with it all. He is big enough to know what to do. What the best thing to do! He knows and He will show us if we are in a position to receive it.

Do you have Jesus, friend? That is the big deal in life! To have Jesus means that you have God. To reject Jesus is to reject what God has Himself provided as the only way to His eternal life. No longer to be separated from Him!

So, do you know Jesus? Have you received Him yet? It is THE most important thing! This is not religion! I’m not trying to get you to join anything. Or, get you to give me something. I’m trying to persuade you to simply receive Jesus and His eternal life! The good news of Jesus is for everyone all the time.

Wherever you are in life. Friend, it really does not matter. Because Jesus loves you and wants you just the way you are! Receive Him! Eternal life in Jesus is completely free. It has already been paid for by the Lord! Just turn your life over to Him. Let Him lead you from now on! See how good things can be! Simple!” KF

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