August 17, 2024

Know Thyself Part 50 * Our Fusion * Series Final


Our Fusion

“The soul of man is the real man. The Bible calls him the hidden man. The unseen part of our being is the essential part of our being. There are many misunderstandings about this part of our being. Without knowing Jesus, we are oblivious to the spirit realm and do not perceive much of what is happening in our souls.

In our fallen condition, we are naturally born blind to the things of the spirit. Not realizing our pitiful condition before a perfect God. Without the Spirit of God showing us, we cannot really perceive the truth of us and God and how bad things really are.

The deception against the truth runs deep here on earth. The world and the demons attempt to keep us in the dark concerning where we really are! They know they are dooomed. They hate us and want us to be doomed along with them! So, they continually deceive humans! Are we connected to God or are we in a fallen separated condition estranged from God?

The purposes of the Know Thyself series were many. As we finish up this important series, we’re looking at the scriptures that contain the truth of who we are now in Christ. And, we’re looking at the heart of Jesus as He prayed to the Father on earth right before the cross.

The union that we have with God is beyond amazing! The possibilities are endless. God loves us! We are seated next to Him by His grace. Infused with His life. It is a work of God in us! But, we have our part also. This part is our will. We must receive for ourselves what He has done by His grace through Christ.

What do we want? Do we want to remain enemies of God? Or do we want to receive His life and be part of His family? This is what Jesus brought to us. He brought to us the greatest opportunity of all time! He brought to us His very own eternal life. It’s the life that we did not have or Jesus would not have had to come.

He came for us out of love. Our soul was separated! Lost! Condemned! Right along with the devil. The difference is, Jesus came to buy us back out of the devil’s control and bring us into His very own life! No longer condemned! We are free and can now approach the Father directly as we are in Christ! No more separation forever! Together! It’s our fusion with Jesus!

As we close this series today, we are looking forward to where Jesus is leading us. We will be beginning a new series soon. It’s called, “One In Him”.

I’m believing that we are going deeper in understanding of what God has done in us when we received Jesus. It was a great work! We are discovering more of it all the time! We will be going into depth on a lot of scriptures from the Bible. I hope you will join me on the next series coming up.

The Know Thyself series has 50 parts. It will continue to be available on YouTube, X, The Road Of Faith Seminar podcast, and our website, There is a lot of ministry for you to take advantage of contained in all 50 parts.

It is my prayer that through this series that you are coming, in actuality, into a deep thought to thought relationship with Jesus. That you will know and experience the perfect will of God for your life!

Thank you for traveling with me on this journey! I’ll be seeing you along the next road trip coming up on The Road Of Faith Seminar, “One In Him”. With love.” KF

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