August 10, 2024

Know Thyself Part 49 * Connected


“We are infused through and through with the Holy Spirit of God. Our spirit is blended in with the Spirit of the Lord 24/7. We are born again forever changed into His likeness. Blended. Infused. Flowing with His life.

The family character is in our souls because we are one with the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. One with God! That is who we are! That is where we are! That is what we are! This is who we have! This is how close we are!

On this series, we have been talking about you coming into a mind to mind, thought to thought, relationship with the Lord. It is possible! Many do not have any idea what I’m talking about. And, some even call me crazy in need of professional help. 🙂 But, regardless of what they may say, I know what I know now. And, have been living in it for a good while now.

Some may think it is weird that I hear from Jesus like this. But, it is not weird at all. In fact it is wonderful to have daily direction–right where we live all day and night. People don’t know what they are missing.

They do not know that this kind of communication with the Lord is even possible. So, they do not believe for it or long to have it. Really, at the bottom of it all is what we desire to have with the Lord personally. He satisfies the longing of our soul.

It is up to us to seek Him about it. How do you want it with you and Jesus? You want close, or not so close? You want His best, but you don’t want to do away with your own plan? You can’t have it both ways, friend. His best is realized when you have decided to give Him all of you in every way that you know.

You’re depending on Him for your complete direction in things. The challenge is to keep everything committed to the Lord as things develop in our natural lives. Keeping it all in His plan. But, we can! We can make the adjustments inside.

The thing is for us to keep our focus on what is important.–that is, Jesus inside! Fucus on His way and His timing on things. What is he saying in particular about the situation? How would you know? You are blended with Him. He’s not far away. He’s closer than anyone else.

We should be hearing Jesus clearly! Hope you have stayed with us throughout the series. There are only 2 remaining seminars in the Know thyself series, this one and 1 more. Stay with us on the journey as we continue looking inward to who we really are!” KF

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