August 3, 2024

Know Thyself Part 48 * Risen With Jesus


“Through God’s grace we identify and connect with Jesus through faith! Our old man was buried with Jesus in death. We were then raised together WITH Jesus through the operation of God. When Jesus was raised from the dead, so were we!

Our new eternal life is a life of one-ness with the Father, The Lord Jesus, and with the mighty Holy Spirit! We are infused with the life of Jesus! We are blended with Him! We are joined forever with God! We are sitting together with the Risen Lord of Glory!

Alive with His life! Flowing with Him. We’ll always be together with Him from our new birth on! Forever changed into His image and likeness. Forever sharing in His glory!

Forever we’re giving Him praise and thanksgiving for including us in this marvelous plan to redeem us from destruction! By His awesome power, God the Father has raised us up together and made us sit together with Jesus–right next to the Father in our Kingdom! How amazing! That’s where the believer is right now with God! ” KF

Join me for Part 48 of the powerful series, Know Thyself!

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