May 11, 2024

Know Thyself Part 47 * Created In Christ


“The book of Ephesians describes some of the most fantastic truths about our relationship with God. We are talking about our union with Jesus on this series.

The verses we are going over explains some of what happened with us after we received Jesus. God has placed us in position with Christ at His right hand. We share in what God has done with Jesus. Because we are in Christ.

No longer are we afraid to approach the Father. He has raised us up together and made us sit together in the heavenly places. Sitting together with Jesus! That is where God sees us. That is where God placed us who believe!

When are we going to begin seeing ourselves like God sees us? We are growing in our understanding of what God has done–placing us into the body of Christ. Understanding who we are with Him.

Well, I hope you’ll join me on Part 47 of our series, Know Thyself, as we travel along on this road trip of revelation.” KF

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