March 16, 2024

Know Thyself Part 42 * Following Jesus * Ken Fletcher Ministries


“The life of faith in Jesus is a life depending on His sight. We can only perceive partially. We are blinded by the natural fallen realm and because of our fallen bodies. Our perception is now darkened from what the Creator originally made us to be.

So, faith in Jesus becomes our true sight in the areas we are blind. We really trust Him. We really love Him. We know that He is only after our best. Through faith, we look to Him knowing that where He leads us is true.

The only thing that prevents us from knowing the true from Jesus is our unbelief. Knowing this, lets build ourselves up in our believing. Build ourselves up in our trust in the Lord who loves us and has our best in heart.

I am endeavoring to keep my life totally submitted and committed to Jesus. Everyday. I want it there with Him. Because, after over 50 years with Jesus, I know what He has for me is the best for me and my family. I really hope you get to that place with Him also. Then, you too will realize His best in your life! That is my prayer.

Hope you will stay with me on the journey here as we move on down the road on part 42 of Know Thyself.” KF

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