March 1, 2024

Know Thyself Part 40


Some people think that their own will is better than God’s will for them. They believe that His way is not as good. Or that it may be what they do not want to do in their lives. I wish that I could show them the truth. In fact, God”s will for us is so much better than our own will for ourselves. But, in order to find out what He has for us, we have to turn loose of our own will. And that is what most people are unwilling to do. So, even though they do not realize it, they are settling for something less. And, they may live their whole lives here on earth and leave never understanding anything about it. But, it was there in the heart of God all along. Did they miss out. Yes. In some degree. It depends on the situation how much. The idea is to give ourselves completely to the Lord. Then we can realize His best in our lives Really, we do it because we love Him. Hope you’ll join me for today’s new seminar on The Road Of Faith. KF

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